The absolute stupidity of Christianity

by logansrun 83 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby

    I think a thread was started some time ago called, " Are you any happier since you do not 'believe' anymore"?

    Those of us who have become agnostic, atheists, I don't knower's, I'm still figuring outer's, we have more happiness now that we are clueless as to lives meaning and purpose? I'm not. Not one damn bit. I'm worse in that dept. I'm lost. I wish I knew shit that I don't. No....I'm not happier with no hope. But,.......

    I will not believe a lie, even if it makes me feel better.


  • logansrun

    I don't feel any happier or unhappier since losing Christianity. But, I am more content.


  • gumby
    But, I am more content.


    Then that's good!


  • Leolaia

    Jesus liked what u said and he told me he wanted u to have this. :)


  • startingover

    In my opinion, Christianity and it's belief that everyone is flawed and in need of a redeemer to make it to better afterlife is the root cause of many problems we have. I think when a person does not buy into that, life becomes more precious since you believe that's all you have and when it's over it's over. Could it be that even the unreligious criminal could be affected by upbringing in a Christian nation? I wonder if there are any statistics of the ratio of athiests to Christianity-reared prisoners. By the way Brad, you hit the nail on the head about being content. That's is the best description I have heard that aligns with my feelings.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    The problems in this world all stem from religion and Christianity in particular. As long as we have intolerant religious fanatics going around trying to convert others to their way of thinking, we will never progress as a human species. We will be doomed to distinction. Do these hypocritical, fun mental Christian religions really think God is on there side? That is the stupidly of Christianity.


  • peacefulpete

    Someone earlier suggested that kindness to enemies was a original Christian thought. It was not. Philosophers and moralists had given that speech for many hundreds of years before Christians began giving it lip service. And yes, the world would (and I believe will) be a better place if this ideal were endorsed by the world's leaders as the first and wisest course in times of conflict. Unfortunately this requires progressive humanist ideals be accepted much more widely than at present.

    Education and tolerance are the steps to peace. To the extent that religions (or an ideology) endorse and support these two things, they represent a force for good. To the extent they foster dogma, superstition, and elitism, they are a force for bad. Religion is a facilitater and an enabler. Religion as a noun is neither helpful nor harmful.

    I have come recently to accept that the world is not going to change dramatically in my lifetime. It never has changed in the short term but over the course of centuries we have seen great progress in knowledge and recognition of humnan rights. Better men with more talent will take up the cause long after I'm gone. For me I have to be at peace with human nature. This includes the billions who refuse to see reality thru the eyes of a skeptic. They do this in part as products of history and in part as frustrated students of life. I can no more change nor condemn that than condemn people for loyally buying Fords or enjoying Rap music. Especially is this reasonable seeing as how I spent half my life as a believer in things I knew were not true, doing so because I was convinced it was the only thing holding back a tide of evil within me and everyone else. I can however be a kind tolerant person who happens to not believe in Gods and maybe others will see that it is not religion that is holding the world from chaos it is innate human kindness shaped by natural forces for our survival directed and inhanced by human intelligence.

  • hillary_step

    Hello Pete,

    Someone earlier suggested that kindness to enemies was a original Christian thought. It was not. Philosophers and moralists had given that speech for many hundreds of years before Christians began giving it lip service.

    It was myself who mentioned that my research had led me to believe that the Christian concept of love of enemies was unique to C1st Christianity. I note you mention 'kindess to enemies' which was certainly not a unique concept historically. The Christian ethic taught 'love' of enemies, using the Greek 'agape' a word which lifts it above ordinary human emotions and instincts.

    I would be very interested to see when and how this elevated concept emerged historically if you have some research to share.

    Best regards - HS

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Bradley... when you paint with such a broad brush your arguments become diluted and almost ludicrous. .

    Look, most of the western world are marginal Christians who happen to go to Church a few times a year. They have a vague belief in heaven, God and angels and rarely read the Bible. In short, they are completely ignorant of their own belief system as well as arguments against it.

    Couldn't the same be said of people who live in a democracy. Only a certain percentage of those who can vote actually register. And of those who register, sometimes a small minority actually votes. I think participation is simply a very human trait and can be found in both religion and politics and many other things as well. Alot of humans are just 'marginal'.

    I also think some people attend various religious functions for reasons other than 'spiritual'. To some it is a social organization.

  • peacefulpete

    Hillary...I PMed you an essay about the history of religious ideas. In it it commented that it was a very ancient Buddhist saying that if you hate the man sawing your limbs off, you are not Buddhist. i think that qualifies as loving your enemies.

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