The absolute stupidity of Christianity

by logansrun 83 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • logansrun

    So often people here confuse just what the real evil is. We think it is the theology and practices of the Watchtower. Neigh! It is Christianity itself which is the far greater evil!

    Christianity is a religion of utter failure. From it's incipient stages as a group of Jewish outcasts to today's forms of fundamentalism it has accomplished none of it's most important objectives, proven none of it's original precepts, and is backed up by a canon of scripture which has absolutely no corresponding validity in science or logic. In short, it is a religion of nothing.

    Christianity teaches one to be ashamed of oneself. "Original sin" which can only be cured by an act which they say you didn't even deserve. It forces one to degrade the physical body with it's natural needs and desires and encourages a longing for a spiritual "reality" which has not an ounce of empirical evidence to back it up. The Christian replaces reason with faith.

    All progress for the individual Christian is impossible without some divine intervention. "We are sinners and must rely on God." Liar! Myth-maker! Any accomplishment a Christian does make is explained as the work of "the Lord" and not himself. Christianity is replete with "testimonies" to such: the alcoholic who quits drinking and says that she could not have done it "without Jesus"; the ex-smoker who discards his habit "through the power of prayer." Placebos all. One wonders if they have any form of self-esteem whatsoever. (To say nothing of self-actualization!)

    Furthermore, all progress for humanity as a whole is seen as impossible as well. From the time of Paul Christians have eagerly waited for the "Second Coming" of Christ who will be the real prognosticator for the betterment of humanity. Do not think for one instant that the JWs are devient, as far as Christianity goes, for their psychotic hunger for the destruction of everyone but them and a coming world of bliss. Don't blame CT Russel. Blame Paul. Blame Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They came up with the idea in the first place.

    One could go on. The record of the failure of Christianity is abysmal -- even without the sanguinary violence done in Christ's name. Don't think of the JWs as unusual. They're just another Christian ideology in the long and tired line of Christianities.

    The Antichrist,


  • Mysterious
    and is backed up by a canon of scripture which has absolutely no corresponding validity in science or logic. In short, it is a religion of nothing.

    I don't think the entire bible is invalid. I'll use the golden rule for an example. It seems logical to me to treat people the way you want to be treated. That's not to say that every Christian follows all the "bible principles" but it's also not to say that every non-Christian doesn't follow any of them.

    However Christianity is also big on judging people, even when they claim to leave this up to God. That's something I definitely don't agree with. But there is some good in most if not all religions, and Christianity is one of them. And you can find postive ideas in the bible as well, or at least postive applications of ideas.

    Imo, it's fanaticism of any kind that is stupid, not the religion itself.

  • Satanus

    Good points, bradley. Right on about the sin guilt and sabotage of the self. Christianity practically wiped out records of greek wisdom, and ultimately replaced it w the dark ages. However, there may be one positive action that it accomplished, and that was the semi unification of europe. Of course, in the process, it wiped out the indigenous religions of the various tribes. Anyway, on the whole, that may have been good in that it accelerated civilization.

    Western govts have mostly favored christianity, both as a tool for controling the masses, and also to further suppress the religions of countries that they colonised/industrialised/exploited. A good example of this is the financial and material support that the rockefeller conglomerates gave to summer institute of linguistics, wycliffe bible translaters and wycliffe associates in central and south america. In the path of the evangelicals followed oil derricks. If it's still available, it is all documented in the book 'thy will be done, the conquest of the amazon: nelson fockefeller and evangelism in the age of oil', by gerard cody w charlotte dennett.

    Napoleon boneparte was a dieist, however, he respected the social value of catholicism, and so encouraged it in the wake of his conquests. Most north american people need the emotional support that christian doctrines give. Take it away, they will either fall into chaos or police state, or find another crutch. Hopefully, in the centuries to come, more people will be able to stand on their own feet. England and europe have made some steps in this direction.


  • logansrun

    Look, most of the western world are marginal Christians who happen to go to Church a few times a year. They have a vague belief in heaven, God and angels and rarely read the Bible. In short, they are completely ignorant of their own belief system as well as arguments against it.

    I can live with such ones, but I cannot say I respect them.


  • JamesThomas

    What are Christians or religious people to do, Bradley? Do you have anything better to offer them? Generally these are people afraid, who need someone or something to give them moral guidance, identity and hope. Take away their Jesus, Jehovah, or Allah, and what then? What then? j

  • logansrun

    What then? The ubermensch.


  • Enishi

    Christianity is not entirely invalid. Originally, Christianity contained much of the Greek and Pagan wisdom that it later stamped out. What happened was quite predictable. You see, like all things in human society, Christianity eventually degraded, in the same way that our bodies decay, and in the same way our earth will eventually decay. One could even say the same thing of Hinduism with its caste system. Just that, in this case, the religion Christianity degraded in the most collosal way imaginable. If it ever hopes to stay alive in the ever changing stream of evolution, it will have to change.

  • JamesThomas

    There is even a bigger leap than Nietzsche's Ubermensch.


  • logansrun

    People, people, people....can't you let me have my little polemic? Sheesh!


  • JamesThomas

    What do you expect when you hang out your "little polemic" for all to see?


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