The absolute stupidity of Christianity

by logansrun 83 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • little witch
    little witch

    Jesus, it would seem was a humanist. He came here (biblically speaking) and proclaimed freedom of religion. He opposed the afor written word. He said that God loved all of us, that God was no "respecter of persons".

    He healed the sick (and by doing so showed compassion and understanding for imperfection).

    He befriended people just like me. They liked to drink, fish, rebel-rouse,socialize, and said to them, have your fun, but remember others that differ in religion, and culture.

    I guess I know a different Jesus than you do, Logan. And I am sorry that you are so sad about something that makes alot of people so happy.

    You see, I could never live up to alot of peoples expectations. I am peirced, tattoed, I am over indulged in food and drink, I like to root for the underdog, live a good life, and believe that the good lord loves me.

    I am greatful for it. I feel a weight is lifted off me, so much so that I am immune to hate, gossip, jeolousy, and misunderstanding.

    I am happy "just as I am". I don't need to prove my loyalty. I believe God loves me, that he will always love me, and nobody can ever take that away. Not anybody. Not self-proclaimed prophets, orgs, sour pusses, laws, family, friends, nobody...

    It is too precious. It is my well-being in this life.

    After what I was put through in the tower, it is a wonder I have a capacity to love. I am serious too. They tried so hard to drive common decency from me. There are so many people here on this board who were shunned by blood family, forgotten by 'friends', abused by all......

    No wonder some shake their fists at God.....I understand why you do too, Logansrun.

    My wish for you is that you soften. That you are not alone. That someone loves you. I wish this for you....

    I am sorry for rambling on.....

  • SpunkyChick
    Take away their Jesus, Jehovah, or Allah, and what then? What then?

    Drink lots and lots of Don Julio Tequila.

  • Sirona

    "Antichrist" LOL,

    I agree with your post to a certain extent, however I think that you appear to be not just anti-christian but anti-religion. Many of your arguments can be applied to other religions:

    The Christian replaces reason with faith.

    Noone's faith in God or higher power can be backed up by 100% proof.

    All progress for the individual Christian is impossible without some divine intervention. "We are sinners and must rely on God."

    I agree with this. Patio made a good point about how a Christian's worldview can affect how they treat others. How can one love oneself, others and God whilst believing that none of us deserve to even be alive?

    Overall, I believe that religion as a whole is not necessarily destructive - individual religions or religious beliefs can be. There are some Christians who accept a totally different interpretation of the bible, for instance those who accept gnosticism. There are witches who believe in Jesus. I don't think we can say "christianity is evil" because there are just so many different versions of it. We could say that the common christian beliefs are destructive - because that's been proven.


  • elamona

    Of course we could institute a great society based on atheism- like the former Soviet Union, and Red China and the other atheistic countries. But as they have killed more of their own people (@100 million) ,in this century alone, than ALL religious wars combined since the beginning of time, I'll stick with religion. At least at some point in their religious madness, someone steps up to the podium and says that what they're doing is wrong, BY THEIR OWN RELIGIOUS LAWS. What stops the Hitlers, Lenins, Stalins, Maos and I forget the Cambodian leader who killed 1/3 of his own countrymen, and the others? I'll tell you what stops them- they get their fill of blood lust or run out of victims. It can't be their religious guidelines because they don't have any. Each one is a law unto themselves, deciding what is right for them and theirs. Hitler had plans to exterminate ALL christian churches, he just didn't have time to carry out those plans.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I agree witrh you 100%


  • Satanus


    Communism/marxism was/is also a religion. Reading some of the writings by it's founders, you can feel the evangelical zeal they had for it. They thought that it would sweep across the globe, like an irresistable tidal wave, washing away decadent capitalist systems as the people rose up as one to embrace the new saviour religion. It didn't happen, so marxists resorted to guns in their conversion efforts, and in order to quell the dissonent voices in their own heads.


  • Navigator

    Logan's Run

    It is not so much that Christianity is a failure; but that it has never been really tried.

  • gumby
    gumby nearly everyone knows......I'm a heathen bastard too.........but I have to disagree to a point with the bradman.

    Chrisianity is filled with horror stories for sure, and it's concepts/writings, are full of holes. has also done some positive things for many. For many who live by the principals and not the religion, it has also caused much good, and brought aid to others. It has given people a hope to live for........even if that hope may never materialize. So what.

    What hope to others with no hope, have that makes them feel as good as a christian? Is their hope anymore valid, since they cannot PROVE that their HOPE is a correct view? If a person can be a believer, live a good happy life, and have a smile on their face before they die...........then what harm is there in the fact that at least they were happy while they were alive and not living in a confused state, trying to figure out something you will no doubt never figure out in your lifetime? If Christianity can be used in a way so as not harm another person......then who cares?

    I personally cannot subscribe to something I feel is a lie and cannot try and fool myself . I feel a need to let other people at least SEE the other side of the coin so they can at least have another choice..........people deserve that.


  • Brummie

    Religion is a crutch, but for a lot it has had a postitive influence. Christianity today is not like it was back in the dark ages, I know and have many christian friends and have mingled in Christian circles, I still do not feel I am an authority on Christianity so its kinda funny to hear someone who has no foundation in Christianity (apart from a JW cult) talk as though they know it all and swipe some good people aside with a mop of ignorance.


  • logansrun

    I'm not saying that all Cristians are "stupid" or "evil" and the like. Most Christians, as I said before, are highly marginalized and have a vague sense of what their religion is all about or, as many theologians have done, twist their faith into something that would be anathema to the original writers of the Christian message. Like I said, I can live with that. It's certainly a vast improvement over fundamentalism. All the same, I cannot say I respect that element of their thinking.

    (Many Muslims are guilty of the same "watering-down" of their faith. Some say that Jihad is simply a "war against your own sinfulness" and not the bloody interpretation practice by Muslim extremists. But I don't think there is any doubt that Muhammed preferred the later manifestation of Jihad. History plainly bears this out. Oh well. Let people live their pipe dream, right?)

    The JWs -- cultlike as they are -- definitely come close to the core of the Christian message: you're a sinner and need a dying man on a tree to save you...he's coming back to destroy everyone who doesn't believe in him and save the people in his club...yadda, yadda. I think I know the "Christian message" pretty well, thank you very much.


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