Anthony Morris responds to Norway's denial of financial aid

by RULES & REGULATIONS 43 Replies latest watchtower scandals


    Trossamfunnsloven § 6, first comma

    If a denomination of religion or of the philosophy of life, or persons who act on behalf of the denomination apply violence or coercion or make threats, violate the rights of children or violate bans of discrimination rooted in law, or in other ways seriously violate the rights or freedom of others, the denomination can be denied the government grants in whole or in part. Government grants can also be denied in whole or in part if the denomination calls for or supports the violations that are mentioned in this comma.


    The County Governor understands the concept of negative social control as different forms of supervision, pressure, threats, and coercion with the purpose of causing persons to live according to the norms of the family or the group. The characterization of the control is that it is systematic, and it may violate the rights of individuals among other things in connection with the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Norwegian law.[8]

    The denomination describes this practice as a strong form of discipline. Children in the congregation must follow a number of rules, and the consequence of not following them is to be disfellowshipped from the congregation, which means isolation from family and friends who are told to stop keeping company with those who have been disfellowshipped.

    It is shown in their comments dated 11.19.2021 in paragraph 19 that the family bonds are not terminated, as long as they live in the same household. However, we understand the situation to be that the child cannot have contact with other close relatives (including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins) or friends. This is a reaction because the child has violated the own rules of the denomination. We believe that this can be experienced as pressure or coercion in order to cause the child to behave in a certain way. We, therefore, consider the consequence of the violation of the rules as a form of punishment.

    On this background, we consider the disfellowshipping of a minor who is a baptized member to be counted as negative social control and a violation of the rights of children according to trossamfunnsloven § 6. According to trossamfunnnsforskriften § 11, first comma a), this can be a reason for denying the denomination the grants.

  • blondie

    The WTS and its representatives will be instructed to "lie" to these authorities as they did when appearing before the government people in Australia regarding their beliefs. The WTS teaches that this is not "lieing" because these authorities are not "entitled" to the truth. "While malicious lying is wrong in Jehovah’s eyes, a person is not obligated to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it. Even Jesus Christ did not give full details or direct answers when doing so could have brought unnecessary harm."

  • truthsetsonefree

    Yes @blondie, this is their style. Problem of course is that they write so much stuff their printed words will get them just as in this case in Norway. It’s Matthew 12:37 coming true for them.

  • Vidiot

    Personally, I think if you’re defending an ideology, you should have the balls to lay all the cards on the table, come what may (say what you will about the WT reps who testified for the Walsh Trial; at least they owned that shit)…


    …your ideology is, in fact, on such shaky ground that you have no choice but to cheat.

    And if that’s the case… 😵‍💫

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