Anthony Morris responds to Norway's denial of financial aid

by RULES & REGULATIONS 43 Replies latest watchtower scandals


    08:20 27.1.Kristoffer Solberg

    Jehovah's Witnesses Denied State Aid

    The faith community of Jehovah's Witnesses denied state aid for 2021 because of its exclusionary practices, the State Manager in Oslo and Viken has decided.

    In a message on their web pages the State Manager writes that they have found several violations of the religious community law of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    – After receiving notifications from former members regarding the exclusion and omission of members, the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs has asked the State Manager in Oslo and Viken to review Jehovah's Witnesses' own statements and publications. In this review, the State Manager has revealed several violations of the religious community law, according to this Our Country.

    The exclusion practice means that members are denied contact with registered members. This is what the State Manager violates the right to free cancellation and section 2 of the Religious Law.

    – The faith community also opens to exclude baptized minors. This means that children can be excluded if they break the rules of religious community. We believe this is negative social control and violates children's rights, writes the State Manager.

    – We have considered the offenses as systematic and intentional, and have therefore chosen to refuse grants, writes the State Manager. (NTB)

    Anthony Morris responds to Norway's intention to remove the JWs as a recognized religion. ( It's all about the money folks! )

  • Bartolomeo

    And they have established the "Freedom of Worship Office" in order to claim some money from the Norwegian government

  • Gorb

    So sad don't see they are so wrong with their policy



    In a move that’s both long overdue and shocking, the Norwegian government said it would no longer provide funding to the Jehovah’s Witnesses because of the religious sect’s cult-like practices.

    Norway’s odd relationship with religion

    Norway, which has a national Church but no longer has a national religion, is one of those countries where religion is literally supported by taxpayers; the more members you have, the more money your preferred religious (or Humanist) organization receives. Any “religious” group with 50 registered members are allowed to apply for state subsidies, and more than 800 groups receive that kind of funding.

    The law is very open regarding the kinds of religious or non-religious groups that can receive that money. However there are some lines in the sand:

    If a religious or philosophical community, or individuals acting on behalf of the community, commits violence or coercion, makes threats, violates children’s rights, violates statutory discrimination prohibitions or in other ways seriously violates the rights and freedoms of others, society may be denied grants or grants may be suspended. Grants may also be refused or reduced if society encourages or provides support for violations mentioned in this section.

    Religious or philosophical communities that accept grants from states that do not respect the right to freedom of religion or belief may be denied grants.

    That makes sense. A group that endorses violence shouldn’t get taxpayer money, nor should any group hurting children or violating human rights. Sure, there are atheists who might argue that any form of religious indoctrination is child abuse, but these rules are theoretically limited to things that are irrefutable and not up for debate.

    More specifically, groups that receive those subsidies can’t force people to remain members. They can’t ban interactions with non-members. They can’t make children pledge a lifelong commitment to them. If they cross those boundaries, then their groups might lose that government funding.

  • Ding

    Tip to the GB: If you don't want to be controlled by those evil, worldly governments, don't partner with them by taking their handouts.

    Get your library cards some other way.

  • Biahi

    Maybe they should separate baptism from membership. Go Norway 🇳🇴!


    NOK 16 million

    According to an overview from the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, 12,686 grant-counting members were registered in Jehovah's Witnesses in 2021. According to the State Manager, they will now miss NOK 16 million in support.

    • The Jehovah’s Witnesses in Norway According to the Norwegian government’s Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, in 2021, there were 12,686 registered Jehovah’s Witnesses in the country. That number meant taxpayers were on the hook to give the Witnesses more than NOK 16 million (roughly $1,778,793 in U.S. dollars) in support.

    § 6.Basis for refusing grants

    If a faith or belief community, or individuals acting on behalf of society, perpetrating violence or coercion, making threats, violating children's rights, violates statutory discrimination bans or otherwise seriously violates the rights and freedoms of others, society can be denied grants or grants can be curtailed. Grants may also be denied or shortened if the community encourages or grants support for violations mentioned in this paragraph.

    '' Brothers and sisters, let me be clear and tell the truth for once. Norway refuses to give us $1.6 million dollars, not because of religious discrimination against the Jehovah's Witnesses, but because it states in their documents that ''violating children's rights'' is one of many reasons why they refuse to give us grant money. Just think about it! We baptize 10 year old's and own them the rest of their lives. The Society refuse to give these children ''human rights'' after the are disfellowshipped or disassociate. They have no recourse, but to come back to Jehovah. We have the freedom to take away children's rights. The Norwegian Government has no authority to take away our religious rights, nor refuse to give the Society $1.6 million dollars."

  • Hellothere

    Think this gonna affect rest of Scandinavian countries.

  • joao

    Well done, Norway! That's why I like the northern countries so much!

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