BREAKING NEWS | Highlights of 2023 Worldwide Service Year Report

by Drearyweather 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Drearyweather

    BREAKING NEWS | Highlights of 2023 Worldwide Service Year Report

    On November 15, 2023, the Service Committee of the Governing Body shared highlights of the 2023 worldwide service year report with the Bethel family. The following exciting increases were announced: Baptisms: During the 2023 service year, 269,517 persons were baptized. That represents an 85-percent increase over the 2022 service year! Bible studies: On average, Bible studies were up 28.5 percent to 7,281,212. Memorial attendance worldwide was 20,461,767, an increase of nearly 4 percent. In fact, 20 lands reported all-time peaks in Memorial attendance. The number of regular pioneers increased by 5.5 percent to 1,546,132. And the number of auxiliary pioneers increased by almost 94 percent, with 738,457 serving as auxiliary pioneers.

    In many lands, our brothers cope with economic problems, social and political upheaval, war, persecution, and natural disasters. Nevertheless, of the 239 lands where we preach the good news, 58 lands reported all-time peaks in publishers. The Governing Body is thrilled to see this year’s worldwide report! As we continue to offer ourselves willingly, we trust that Jehovah will richly bless the worldwide preaching and disciple-making work.—Ps. 110:3; Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20.

    The complete 2023 worldwide report will be released on in January 2024.

  • BoogerMan

    The org knowingly lies when it comes to scriptures, so they won't have any qualms lying about their recruitment statistics.

  • PetrW

    "The only statistics you can trust are the ones you have falsified yourself"

    (c) Winston Churchill

  • joe134cd

    Boogerman: Please consider the following. What I think gives this so much credibility is it’s been looked at from an LDS Perspective.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad


    While there are decreases in PIMIs among JWs there are major increases in PIMOs. One such exjw community has an all time high of 93,000 PIMO members & growing! That's a 125% increase over the 2022 Service Year!😂

    ExJW Youtube video Channels & viewership are also on the increase in the 2023 EXJW Service Year...especially in the South American exJW community. Many exJW YouTuber videos have tens of thousands, others hundreds of thousands with some reaching well over into the millions of viewers. Let the EXJW growth continue...Yay!

  • ElderBerry

    I would love to see a comparison chart of PIMIs vs PIMO and POMOs. They are obviously obverse as PIMIs slowly become PIMQ then PIMO.

    One chart is going down dramatically and the other going up at a parabolic rate.

    After this years AGM shocking new lite that you would be fine to sit on the fence or even leave entirely and have a last min change to join JWs again if it seemed like they were correct.

    The GB took a big gamble with the changes at this years AGM. By dropping the reporting requirements they will get the rapidly growing number of inactive ones back on the active list, very clever when you think about it.

    But on the other hand there could be this growing feeling that it all doesn’t matter anyway if you can do last minute repentance.

  • KalebOutWest

    The report is really nothing.

    Because of the size of the Catholic Church--which is staggering and in the billions--it takes two to three whole years to process the numbers and the report (imagine data that large that it takes a couple of years to collect and you have to settle for it always being two years behind because you are so big) before they can publish it.

    Released this past October 22:

    The report compared the numbers on the day of 31 December 2021 to the previous year on 31 December 2020.

    There were 1.375 billion Catholics in the world, representing an overall increase of 16.24 million Catholics compared to the end of 2020.

    You can download the report from this article on the Vatican News site if you want to read it in detail for yourself.

    What Jehovah's Witnesses report are just dewdrops by comparison. Because they don't know any better they "oooo" and "aaah" when they hear these numbers, but it really is nothing.

    The JWs have a worse child abuse scandal going on than the Catholic Church ever did and the news media barely blinks. This is why, because the JWs aren't even peanuts by comparison. Little tiny religions don't matter much to folks--itty bitty cults wherein the general public expect to find "child molesters" even less.

    (And to be honest, almost every Catholic that I know is ignorant of their annual report. They couldn't tell you how many of themselves are in the world or know that their church publishes such a thing. That is telling you something--you're really big when you don't care about the numbers.)

  • slimboyfat

    Since the publisher figure is the only figure they don’t give us I guess that probably means it is minus or flat.

    If 58 lands had all time peaks, does that mean most of the rest had decreases? (Presumably only excluding ones that had all time peaks in years previous to last year)

    They will be relieved about the baptism number being up because it was scary low during the pandemic.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    JW Gone Bad

    "ExJW Youtube video Channels & viewership are also on the increase in the 2023 EXJW Service Year...especially in the South American exJW community. Many exJW YouTuber videos have tens of thousands, others hundreds of thousands with some reaching well over into the millions of viewers. Let the EXJW growth continue...Yay!"

    The cats out of the bag.

    You heard AM3 a year or so ago talking about keeping your curiosity in control. I'm sure he was referring about the videos on youtube and what not.

    Peoplle are watching. The internet is the Borgs Spanish flu, Covd-19 or whatever. It's their undoing.

  • iloowy.goowy

    The surge in numbers after high Covid-19 days isn't so surprising. Some may have held on in baptizing their kids until the pandemic fizzled. Also pioneers had their time requirements suspended for a while, and it was easy to pioneer counting time writing letters.

    What will be surprising is the decreased they didn't.annouce yet, and the down trend due to follow in the coming years, I believe.

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