
by Englishman 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Euphemism
    Of course, this adds an enormous amount of gossip into the "spiritual paradise" the JWs have

    Good point. It almost relies on the gossip to work, after all. I mean, otherwise, how would everyone know whom to mark?

  • anglise

    Hi eman

    when we finally stopped going the the meetings and other half hung up his "flock" book, there was a local needs talk at the hall given by the PO.

    In it he said that there are "certain ones in the cong who we maybe dont see as often as we used to and whilst they havent done anything wrong it might be wise to avoid close association with them and to be careful etc etc"......

    Thus we are marked and the cong knows that.

    We are not Df or DA.

    We know about this because our sons happened to go to the meeting that night and reported back to us.

    BTW the we considered the PO a close friend as our children had grown up together and we holidayed together at least twice a year and regularly went out for meals or to each others homes. You live and learn, he has never even phoned us.


  • Sassy

    there we go.. another example of love..

    It almost relies on the gossip to work,
    exactly.. and gossip is also supposed to be taboo... something one can be disciplined for..
  • Englishman

    I thnk that the word is being mis-used. To mark means to note something, as in "Mark my words" or "Listen to me".

    Here's more definitions:

    Main Entry: 1 mark
    Pronunciation: 'märk
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mearc boundary, march, sign; akin to Old High German marha boundary, Latin margo
    Date: before 12th century
    1 : a boundary land
    2 a (1) : a conspicuous object serving as a guide for travelers (2) : something (as a line, notch, or fixed object) designed to record position b : one of the bits of leather or colored bunting placed on a sounding line at intervals c : TARGET d : the starting line or position in a track event e (1) : GOAL, OBJECT (2) : an object of attack, ridicule, or abuse; specifically : a victim or prospective victim of a swindle (3) : the point under discussion (4) : condition of being correct or accurate <her observations are on the mark> f : a standard of performance, quality, or condition : NORM <not feeling up to the mark lately>
    3 a (1) : SIGN, INDICATION <gave her the necklace as a mark of his esteem> (2) : an impression (as a scratch, scar, or stain) made on something (3) : a distinguishing trait or quality : CHARACTERISTIC <the marks of an educated person> b : a symbol used for identification or indication of ownership c : a cross made in place of a signature d (1) : TRADEMARK (2) capitalized -- used with a numeral to designate a particular model of a weapon or machine <Mark II> e : a written or printed symbol (as a comma or colon) f : POSTMARK g : a symbol used to represent a teacher's estimate of a student's work or conduct; especially : GRADE h : a figure registering a point or level reached or achieved <the halfway mark in the first period of play>; especially : RECORD
    4 a : ATTENTION, NOTICE <nothing worthy of mark> b : IMPORTANCE, DISTINCTION <stands out as a person of mark> c : a lasting or strong impression d : an assessment of merits : RATING <got high marks for honesty>
    synonym see SIGN


  • Mulan
    It's also individual: It is up to members of the rank and file to "figure out" who's being talked about and take heed. If someone is totally clueless as to what is going on, fine -- they will do whatever.

    So to say marking is 100% individual or 100% congregational would be misleading. It's in a weird limbo state.

    Of course, this adds an enormous amount of gossip into the "spiritual paradise" the JWs have.

    Well that explains a lot. About three years ago, an elder gave a talk on apostasy at the KH we used to attend. My girlfriend assumed it was about us, but said everyone was asking "who is that about?" She said she had NO IDEA. The gossip really took off. My mother called the elder who gave the talk and she ASKED HIM IF IT WAS ABOUT US, and he said it was a generic talk, and wasn't about anyone. Well, we know that was a big lie and it was about us, but she spread it all over what he had said. Then everyone was very confused.

    I asked the PO about it, and he also lied and said we were considered just "inactive", so I asked him why people shun us, and he said "people in the congregation can mark anyone they choose and we can't stop them from doing that", so I said "why would they mark us...............what did we do?" No answer. They are such COWARDS.

  • Sassy

    Perfect example of marking. And then the followup need for gossip for people to figure out why that talk was given.

    Usually when there was a talk of this type, they called it a local needs talk. Well, if there was a talk on a certain problem or weakness or wrong doing, it became part of the local needs talk and yes, if you could figure out who it was about, pretty much you knew they were telling you to watch that one and not spend too much time there. If it wasn't obvious, then you start talking to others in the hall, no doubt gossiping about a whole lot of other people who aren't even involved and we all know how the telephone game is. Who knows what things end up being said that aren't even true all from a local needs talk.

  • bigboi

    I was marked once during my teenage years after I had been relieved of the privelege of being an unbaptized publisher. I was still meetings and I guess they did it to punish me by hoping that the ppl in the congregation would stop associating with me socially. There was a special efftort made to make sure I was present at that meeting so ppl would be given every chance to know exactly whom the talk was about. It went it to very specific detail about what I had actually done that warranted my being disciplined. They did everything but point to me and say my name. It never did affect my being invited to parties and so forth and I doubt all the elders felt it was neccessary, but it still was a pretty stupid thing to do. My reasoning being that a person that falls into difficulty and is showing that he stilll wants to be with Jah's ppl should be given every possible amount of support possible.

  • peacefulpete

    It' has been said already but yes the Elders decide when to have a Marking talk and in that talk they discuss the reason for marking a particular person without mentioning names. This is done for legal reasons! a person who is disfellowshipped can not sue in the eyes of the Gov because of Church governance rules and it allows for membership to be withdrawn for individuals that break established and published taboos. marking is often for matters that the organization has not announced as DFisfellowshipping offences. A person then NAMED in a Marking talk and exposed to public humiliation, who is not guilty of Disfellowshipping offences, could sue for defamation or slander. In other words Marking is Disfellowshipping without legally recognized footing. My wife and I were named in a marking talk in a neighboring congregation, apparently the elder was not properly trained. If I was inclined I could make trouble.

  • drwtsn32


    I don't agree with your alternate definition. It wouldn't make sense in the context of 2 Thess 3:14.

    But if anyone is not obedient to our word through this letter, keep this one marked, stop associating with him, that he may become ashamed.
  • Englishman


    I think what bugs me is the fact that "Marked" conjures up an image of someone with an evil mark - such as having 666 on your scalp a la The Omen.

    "Branded" almost.


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