Do you see yourself or others in this list?

by spiritwalker 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • spiritwalker

    As a long time poster on other message boards. I have often noticed, that despite the topic, there are always certain personalities on each. I guess it is kind of like the congregation, in that no matter what one you were in, there were characters that matched up with the one you left. So a long time ago, me and another poster made a list of personalities that are on message boards and kind of kept it updated. This is not centered around religious message boards, just more of a general topic. See if any of these fit here. It starts with the more positive and works it?s way to the most negative personality.

    The Intellectual : This is the poster that never comments without something to back it up with. It might be articles, links, definitions, and even pictures. There will often be quotes from well known names and even comments to the affect, "please feel free to research this on your own."

    The Debater : If there is a debater in the room, then make sure your facts are right. The debater will look to support the opposite side and often does so in a very good way. Although, they can be very frustrating to, "the teacher", as they bog conversations down in technicalities.

    Neutral Poster : This is a poster who comments in brief neutral ways. Someone who never really seems to be 100% convinced on anything, and enjoys reading and just commenting without having to take sides. Often seen saying, "please tell me more, I am enjoying the conversation."

    The Teacher : The is the person who takes it upon themselves to teach others what they already feel they know. It does not mean that what they know is right, but that what they know is something they think others should accept too. The teacher is very intimidated by "The Intellectual" and very frustrated by "The Debater." They do teach good things, but sometimes they need to remember to learn a little more at times too.

    The Student : Teach me, teach me. Is often the cry of the student. They want to learn more and often post questions about, "why is this" and "should I do this?" They don?t say much to others, as they want more said to them. They often cause problems with "the teachers" as there will often be many schools of thoughts with "the teachers" and they will be upset that their words were not listened too or praised enough.

    The Fluffer : Basically, they post nonsense that keeps the room moving and never really do enough to hardly even be known. They fluff, plain and simple.

    The happy poster : Oh golly, oh gee, life is just so great and I want to say happy things to everyone and put a positive spin to everything. I don?t know how you could be down, when the world is so wonderful. Happy happy, joy joy. I am smiling at all times.

    The Referee : I want peace and I don?t take the time to understand why people debate. I just want peace and will stress that at all times. I will e-mail people to calm down, when they are not really upset and I will never understand the difference between an argument and a debate. I am often a little bit of a control freak.

    The Know-It-All : Always seem to answer everything with something. Not always right, not always wrong. Yet they seem to know a little about everything, and not enough about anything. Don?t tell them that though, as they know a reason as to why you are wrong. "The Debater" will waste a lot of time with these posters.

    The Angry Poster : Life sucks and I hate everything and everyone. Everyone wants to hurt me and make my life harder then it already is. So I plan to hurt others before they can do it to me. I will fight about every little subject to the end and I will not forget anything negative said against me. I will do extreme things too. Like bad mouthing you to others in e-mail and making things up. I will post about you on other message boards and leave out anything that makes me look bad. I hate "the happy poster" and I hate "Fluffers", and I especially hate "the Debaters" as they are always trying to make me look foolish.

    The Moronic Supporter : I am the person who has friends online. I support them in what ever they say and do. I don?t care that their information is wrong and that others said something that made more sense, I just chime in with comments like "you sure showed him" and "your comments are always so right." I cause most flame wars, as I come out of the blue with this support, that makes no sense and upset people who really wanted a good conversation. "The Intellectual" will not speak to me, and often ignores my comments. I will not see the error of my ways and I love to add more and more support to my friends as time goes on. If it upsets you, I figure it is because I am so right and you are so wrong. Although, I have no clue what is really going on anyway.

    The Anarchists : I am here with one purpose and one purpose ONLY! To cause trouble. I am here to attack people for no reason, post shocking comments and to carry on flame wars that should have ended by now. I may even be another poster, posting under a different name to have fun. Don?t ever underestimate me though and think I am your friend. I am tricky, sneaky and am here to make things terrible. That is what I want. I am often called a troll, but I stay under the level enough to not be banned right away.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well I don't think I fit into any one of them

    but I sure see myself in some

  • nilfun

    Guess who this one is?

    Which category do you put yourself in, spiritwalker?

  • jst2laws

    Excellent work, Spiritwalker

    I think I have a neutral poster front hiding the angry intellectual debater in me, because I am a moronically happy teacher refereeing my own tendency to be an angry student of know-it-all antichrist fluff posters.

    OK, seriously ............. awe,,,, never mind.


  • spiritwalker

    I agree, we can see ourselves as a little of many. Although, since I am new here, I can not categorize anyone. I just always enjoy the fact that it does not matter the subject of the board, I can often see these personalities online with me.

  • smack

    I fluff, therefore I am


    Tasmanian Overbeer

  • shamus

    VEry interesting post!

    Yes, I am a mix of two in there... but you can all figure that out for yourselves...

  • qwerty

    The Joker!

  • Vivamus

    I'm the fluffer. So does that mean no-one notices me? ... Helllloooooo, is there anyone out there that does notice me? I am fun to notice ya know ....


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • High Castle
    High Castle

    As a would-be Intellectual who probably is just a middlin' Debater I have to differ with you on the last category of your board bestiary - the Anarchist. I do not disagree with the content,it's spot on. It's the label. I ask you to replace it with the Nihlist. Disruption for no other reason than personal gratification is the m.o. of the Nihlist. The Nihlist stands for nothing - check out the dictionary. The anarchists that I know and consider to be friends take stands. I may disagree with them on tactics and theory but I am glad to have them by my side. Anyone can loot a Starbucks and call themselves an anarchist. You are free to call yourself an 'anarchist' without having read a word of Kropotkin, Bookchin, Chomsky or LeGuin. Ultimately anarchism is as anarchism does. If you want to see anarchism in action go to a "Food Not Bombs" street feed - meals delivered to the homeless and all comers without payment or permits.

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