Will The Brothers and Sisters Marry and Have Children in The New System?

by AwakenedAndFree 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AwakenedAndFree

    (((((Dear Sns)))))

    You touched my heart!

    It's really sad that the Watchtower with it's own unscriptural man-made doctrines is able to sucessfully mislead many. They discourage independent thinking, but that goes contrary to the Bible's teachings!

    ACTS:17:11:" Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes-sa-lo-ni'ca, for they received the word with great eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so."NWT Christian Love, AAF

  • shotgun

    Hi Awakened......

    LUKE 20:35:"but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage."

    LUKE 20:36:" In fact, neither can they die anymore, for they are like angels, and they are God's children by being children of the resurrection."

    Can you really go by those scriptures considering that Angels were so horny that one third were willing to suffer eventual death for some nookie?

    If we become like the Angels will it be the horny ones?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Thanks for clarifying that! I had actually forgotten about all that! Dang! If they were all resurrected, now wouldn't *that* be a scary scenario?


  • Loris

    I came to the same conclusion as Oracroth when the wool was removed from my eyes. The Sadduccees were asking who the woman would belong to. Jesus said that she would not belong to any of her previous husbands. They would be like the angels, having only Jehovah as their head. At the time of ressurrection they would not be given in marriage to anyone. They did not ask about future prospects of marriage only about their narrow minded trick question.

    By the way this brings up the question about where Jesus' audience thought the woman was to be resurrected?


  • JosephMalik


    Yes, once again the Watchtower is proven wrong and does not understand scripture as you show.

    There are only two ways to enter this new system which additional texts will verify. One is to be resurrected. The other is to be changed. In both cases the resurrected or changed person will still be human but will put on immortality as our present mortal bodies cannot inherit this new system as you call it. The fantasy that some will simply walk in by surviving a great holocoust improperly called Armageddon is simply another Watchtower lie.


  • AlanB

    Doesnt the wedding vows state, until death do us part, which clinches it for me....

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    They are at liberty to meet the bridegroom - neither married (to another husband - a word who is head of the house) or pledged to be married (mind made up - even studying perhaps?).

    Either virgins (maidens), 'widows' perhaps, or like the Samaritan woman, they have no husband like they did before - words that were unchaste, or that are simply dead. The woman answered him, "I have no husband."

    In their question, the example the Sadduccees used was that the husbands (and note also that they were brothers) were indeed dead.

    God is the God chosen by the living, not by the dead.

    I can just imagine Jesus smiling and saying, 'Are you following me?'

  • barry

    No because if brothers and sisters marry thats incest.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Well picked up Barry

  • shamus

    PPPHHHT! Whatever... this is paradise....


    Male: Good day love. I think we should have a child.

    Female: Oh, that would be lovely dear. I would love to bear again....

    Male: Yes, poor old Joshua had to be stoned to death, because he spoke against the god Jehovah.

    Female: Yes, he was a spoilt brat.

    Male: I agree.

    Female: When shall the sexual act take place?

    Male: I say now. Please go shower.

    Female: Yes master...

    a few minutes later..

    Male: Are you finished love?

    Female: I am finished and ready for the sexual intercourse to produce our child, thank you master.

    Male: You are welcome. I shall now shower.

    a few minutes later...

    Male: I am ready.

    Female: As am I. I shall assume the desired and necessary missionary position as prescribed by Jehovah and all the angels, and we shall make a baby.

    Male: Good. I shall now commence penetration:

    a few minutes later...

    Male: I am finished. I did not enjoy that intercourse at all.

    Female: Nor did I.

    Male: Well, we are finished, and you are with child.

    Female: Aye. It shall be a blessing upon our house. What are you doing today husband?

    Male: Oh, just picking more f*** fruit... and you?

    Female: Oh, cleaning up lion shit.

    Life in the new system: utter paradise. I would rather be dead.

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