Truth, Justice, and the American Way

by D8TA 85 Replies latest social current

  • Aztec
    Some of it I don't agree with, so those bits must be wrong.

    But of course! Would you care for some Grey Poupon?


    P.S. I'll read them vigorously in the morning! Thanks!

  • expatbrit


    Dr Mary Ruwart offers a sort of "Libertarianism for Dummies" FAQ. She's a bit of a loon, but sums things up in a cheery nutshell. (see the headings "Economics" and "Free Trade")


    p.s. the bits I disagree with here are wrong too.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Aztec there is no sense weighing in with my honest opinion if I want to continue to be a member of this site. I have been informed that my horrible behavior here is not welcomed nor will be tolerated any longer. As proof of the seriousness of my sins my posting limits are greatly reduced. I have already mentioned this earlier but my posts were deleted. No profantiy in those posts but I suppose this is how private reproof works.

    This post will be deleted.

    It's ok to call my president an asshole. It's ok to call me stupid. It's ok to call a conservative anything but do not respond in kind or you'll be booted off.

    Oh and to quote someone here

    I could give a shit

  • Aztec
    "Libertarianism for Dummies"

    Gee thanks!

    Are you enjoying your Grey Poupon? LOL! I'll catch up in the morning.....brat!

    *Daring Expat to use an emoticon*


  • Aztec

    Stacy, I'm going to quote your entire post here:

    Aztec there is no sense weighing in with my honest opinion if I want to continue to be a member of this site. I have been informed that my horrible behavior here is not welcomed nor will be tolerated any longer. As proof of the seriousness of my sins my posting limits are greatly reduced. I have already mentioned this earlier but my posts were deleted. No profantiy in those posts but I suppose this is how private reproof works.

    This post will be deleted.

    It's ok to call my president an asshole. It's ok to call me stupid. It's ok to call a conservative anything but do not respond in kind or you'll be booted off.

    Oh and to quote someone here

    I could give a shit

    I give a shit! I think you've gone about your debating in the incorrect manor. I think if you took a class in debate you would flourish! There are tactical skills that would suit you very well. I think you're bright and you just need time to develop those gifts. I've misspelled so many words today...LOL! Just do your best Stacy! Even if you and I disagree I don't dislike you at all. Tell me why I am wrong.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Aztec let's be honest. Simon posts a thread about cutting back on political threads and then posts on a thread where he refers to our president as an asshole. I respond in kind and get hammered for it.

    I get hammered for going to college to make money because I am not going to colllege to discover what's wrong with the world. Give me a break, we all know what's wrong and what needs to be fixed, we simply disagree with how to go about it. There are enough people in this world who list problems without listing solutions. This website is filled with that type.

    Aztec you yourself have hammered those who disagree with you by making condesending comments like "take a course in creative thinking". You will always get away with such comments because you are a liberal and in favor here. I can't get away with it.

    I should take a course in debate? How nice of you to help me with my future. I'll stay on the track I am already on if that's ok.

    I do not dislike you even a little Aztec. I strongly defended you when you got hammered. But when I'm hammered I stand alone here. I'm getting pretty sick of this forum and I see little value in staying around much longer.

    I have the pleasure of discussing politics and social issues daily where I attend school. It's amazing how the majority of my peers can discuss things without the name calling.

    So go ahead you deep thinkers, flame away.

    It matters not.

  • Aztec
    Aztec you yourself have hammered those who disagree with you by making condesending comments like "take a course in creative thinking". You will always get away with such comments because you are a liberal and in favor here. I can't get away with it.

    Critical thinking not "Creative thinking". And I stand by my statement. Have I hammered anyone? I don't think I have.

    I should take a course in debate? How nice of you to help me with my future. I'll stay on the track I am already on if that's ok.

    I think you would do wonderfully in a course in debate! I think your passion for debate should be harnassed though. I think you'd do very well!

    So go ahead you deep thinkers, flame away.

    It matters not.

    Deep thinkers don't "flame away". That's not very logical!

    Much continued success to you Stacy! I think you will do wonderfully when you get out into the real world!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    This post will be deleted.

    No it won't. Don't be so dramatic. We're not solving world hunger here.

    In the meantime, just kick back, mellow out and embrace the sunset.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    This post will be deleted.

    No it won't. Don't be so dramatic. We're not solving world hunger here.

    Not solving much of anything are we

    I wasn't being dramatic. A very similar post was deleted earlier today. Not dramatic, just practical

  • D8TA

    Stacy Smith typed (and what a surprise):

    same ol same ol

    some things will never change here.

    As in your: Pulling yourself away from your Color Me Elmo book so you can make your status quo post of non-intelligent rebuttal?

    Actually, Stacy, you are one of the people in which prompted me to post this thread in the first place. See, I respect people like Yeru and DakotaRed...because they are actually (or did) do something in their lives to make some sort of change to America.

    Your replies in these type of topics are more horrid than one-liners heard in an Arnold Schwarzenegger wait, Arnold is beyond this....a SYLVESTER STALLONE movie.

    Now, Stacy, time to be a "big girl" and put down the Crayola's for a moment. Please contribute something constructive to debate or support the current subject, other than your usual whining and moaning of how people are being big bad bashers of the U.S.

    Are you capable of this? Or I am fooling myself and am right that you are some 13 year old stuck in the middle of Kansas who posts on this board because her cell phone battery is dead?

    Oh, and people...can we keep on the subject? Please. :) I hope those who are familar and unfamilar with this topic have visited the links I have provided. At least learn and/or review something important that affects your (and your children/grandchildren's) lives.

    ( edited because I'm soooo typing/speaking/writing in Portuguese context with my English now. What's worse? I went from proper Portuguese to speaking Zona-Sul slang. These is like somebody speaking the Queen's English and moved to East L.A. and adopted the speech there. But it gets me the girls, and that's what I'm biologically here for...right? )

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