Update on Australian Royal Commission - Proposed Redress

by Pants of Righteousness 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Pants of Righteousness
    Pants of Righteousness


    Apologies if this has been posted previously, but this news item has appeared today regarding the proposed redress for abuse victims following the Australian Royal Commission:


    What's interesting is that in January it was proposed that the Federal Government contribute almost half of an estimated $4.3 billion redress scheme.

    Under this proposal the government contributes only a fraction, with 'groups like churches and not-for-profit groups pay(ing) the bulk of compensation'.

    Bear in mind that this is a proposal by the Opposition; the Government is still to respond to the Commission's recommendations.


  • cognac

    Hmmmm, I wonder what this would amount to for the JWs and when it would take effect.

    Either way, it is long overdue for the victims.... Hopefully, this will bring some closure for them...

  • Simon

    Surely the people who should pay the compensation to the victims should be the ones guilty of the wrongdoing - not regular tax payers? Why should everyone else pay for their crimes?

    It's only hard financial loss and pressure from insurance agencies that will force change (probably more than legislation)

    The WTS at least has demonstrated many times in the past that they will quickly change any belief and any practice if money is on the line.

  • cognac
    Simon - Maybe they are afraid the churches will go bankrupt as a result and the victims won't get anything? Idk, just a guess...
  • karter
    "A Politician will promise to build a bridge were there is no water"Winston Churchill.
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    As far as I'm concerned they should seize all Kingdom Hall properties and use the proceeds to recompense the victims.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    wouldn't that be something to all of a sudden have all Kingdom Hall properties seized and then a day or so after seeing ''for sale'' signs on the lawn?? With all the proceeds of course going to the victims.
  • Simon
    Simon - Maybe they are afraid the churches will go bankrupt as a result and the victims won't get anything? Idk, just a guess.

    They would only go bankrupt if, after and because of having to pay out. Recompense for the victims and prevent future victims = double win.

    It just seems wrong for one group to commit a crime and everyone else to pick up the tab. How is that any form of penalty for the groups guilty of the crimes?

    It makes sense for the government to pay if it was a government failure - but we know none of the WTS cases were reported to the authorities so it would be a stretch to hold them accountable.

  • Listener

    It's a bit difficult for the Commission to come up with a plan for compensation. It's not just religions that they are looking into but many other organization's, most of them have limited finances and many of them would be seen to be providing services that would normally have to be provided by the Government if they didn't exist. There are many that the Government already provides funds to or give generous tax breaks just so they can exist. It is not in the Governments interest to see them go bankrupt. Most would never have envisaged this extra cost.

    We aren't necessarily talking about the crimes that had been committed by the organizations being investigated. The crimes have generally been committed by the abusers and will be dealt with separately. The problem is more one of negligence rather than a crime. This negligence isn't identified by Police but rather only when the party damaged begins a court process and it is determined by a Judge. It is not clear cut. It is going to be difficult to set the one dollar payment for redress when it is clear that one organization has been more negligent than another organization and the abuse incurred on one individual is very different to that of another individual. I don't know how they are going to do it if the Government doesn't make the payment. Maybe the best they could do is set up a legal bureau that becomes an intermediary between the victim and the organization to facilitate negotiations and recommendations.

  • stuckinarut2

    I like what village idiot said above!

    Only problem is, the witnesses will take that action as proof of "satan's people touching Jehovah's eyeball" and sit there waiting for the Big A to happen!

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