I thought I was over it .

by jumper 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec
    For the first time my anger was in the right place, "Its was on them" not on me.

    Exactly! I had an elder father as well so I understand. I think you'll like it here Joel.


  • Maverick

    When I read accounts like yours I am so glad I talked my daughter out of getting baptized at 13. I was an Ms at the time and I thought she needed more time. The next years it all fell apart and even though she is treated poorly by the duds, she can walk among them and they can't officially shun her. And who do you think tells them how to treat her? Her mother! And this woman ran off with a worldly man and left us all, her daughter, me, and the "truth" until the FBI came and hauled her soul mate to jail, (where he is still 5 years later). I am helping my daughter work through this but it takes time. Glad you are here, Maverick

  • greven

    Welcome jumper!

    This is the perfect place to jump around!

    A tip: it's not really deprogramming but learning about propaganda techniques and logical fallacies helps to recognize, understand and counteract the methods used to influence people's minds. There is alot on the web, just type 'propaganda' or 'fallacy' into a search engine! Will be illuminating!


  • badboy


  • Gadget

    Welcome to the board.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    welcome jumper!

    Yes, this is a good place to vent and to seperate the "JW programmed self" from the real you inside.

    Enjoy the ride. You'll be a better person for it.



    Welcome to the forum, jumper! Cool name! You jumped fence and made good your escape, huh?

    You see I thought I could just walk away, Walk away as if it were a church, every where I went it came with me, from the time I got up to the time I went to bed, If I went on vacation it would come too. What is it? Its fear, its worthlessness, its knowing that I'll never live up, its shame, its guilt, its selflothing

    Except that the whole time we were "in" ... we were being indoctrinated ... brainwashed ...

    I've been out for four years now, jumper, and still peeling myself out from those old beliefs. I'm finding as I discover more useless beliefs, I must consciously shed them and replace them with something useable and functional. I'm taking courses and seminars to renew myself and rebuild myself. Not to mention the nine years of therapy that enabled my escape in the first place!

    Pure Apostate!


  • Panda

    Welcome to this forum JUMPER. I hope yu'll be able to see the methods that the WTS use to indoctrinate the JW's. Maybe when you understand the WTS methods you will recognise the brainwashing techniques.

    Again Welcome!

  • Satanus

    Another one flies over the wall. Good. Deprogrammation is a very important step in recovery. Hunt down every single fragment of wt dogma and multisect it. There is some good there, but not much.

    If you haven't read ray franz' book crisis of conscience, i would encourage you to do so. Another good book about mass movements in general is called the true believer, by eric hoffer.

    Good luck


  • lovinlife

    {{{{Joel}}}} So glad you found us! Welcome!

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