
by Sentinel 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch

    I am with Elamona on this one.

    The history behind the Kennedy's and their ever present quest for power is more interesting and logical than conspiracy theories...

    True life is stranger than fiction, to be sure.

  • jessicajah


    I'm sorry that you are getting some neg responses, but I think there is some truth to the conspiracy. I wasn't even born until the 70's, & I still find it all interesting. JFK was no angel when it came to his personal life, but I still think he was a great prez. I like to read & watch documentaries, and I remember being about 5yrs old when I viewed my 1st one with my dear ol' dad. Are you from Dallas?

  • bebu

    I caught only the first hour of the Unsolved History program(s), so I missed all the Oswald info. The first hour focused on the photographers' films that day as clues. There was nothing very conclusive from these.

    I'd only had a general understanding of the assassination; now I'm much more interested. The thing that I had never understood before was that I had never seen the full footage of the assassination before--and with good reason, I believe. I hadn't realized there were 3 shots: one hitting JFK' shoulder, a second hitting a man in the front seat (who survived), and the third... blew thru JFK's head. Due to the obscenity of the footage, the only part ever shown on TV was the first shot, when JFK slumps a bit on Jackie. (I'd always assumed that this was the fatal shot.) Last night the whole footage was shown by one cameraman who was in the best position for taking pictures. It was obscene.

    I am going to try to learn more. Generally I am suspicious of conspiracy theories, but the accuracy of these shots in 8 seconds is almost too amazing to think one man could do this.

    In general, I've liked JFK... but he does have a lot of skeletons in the closet.


    BTW, JFK was Catholic, and the Catholic church expressly forbids members to belong to secret societies like the Masons.

  • Mulan

    I watched a program last night on Court TV (or it might have been the Discovery channel).................I watched both of them.

    Their conclusion after a long discussion, and going over evidence, was that Oswald acted alone. I was very disappointed in their conclusions. It didn't seem to fit the evidence and photos and experts, to me.

    More on it tonight, and I will watch too. JFK was killed two days after our first baby was born. It made a huge impact on us. I was sitting there holding my newborn, and my mother, who was at my home helping me, went to get the mail and a neighbor told her what had happened. She ran back inside, and we immediately turned on the TV and were mesmerized for days.

  • metatron

    I believe the most plausible reason for JFK's murder was explained by a former CIA remote viewer.

    He was marked for death because of the Cuban Missile crisis. Insiders realized that he was wreckless

    in coming within mere seconds of an all-out nuclear war with the Soviet Union ( USSR subs had nuclear

    torpedos on diesel subs off the coast of Cuba and could launch them at will, triggering a war during the

    blockade - while B-52 bombers skirted the edge of Soviet air space on alert.)

    He offended the Federal Reserve with his "US Notes". He horrified the CIA with talk of a complete pullout

    form Vietnam. Hoover/the FBI despised the Kennedys. Congress wouldn't pass his "New Frontier".

    And finally .. he made dangerous enemies in the Cosa Nostra thru Bobby Kennedy exposing and

    attacking organized crime figures - while they felt he "owed them a favor" for electing him over Nixon

    using Cook County votes.

    He was killed because he was seen as out of control and a threat to the entire world.

    On this basis, despite his good intentions, I judge JFK as the worst president of all time

    since he came closest to ending civilization and failed to deliver on his ideals because

    he was inept in working with Congress. LBJ, despite being an SOB, delivered the goods.

    Such is life...


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I realize that the Unsolved History program was not trying to answer all the questions, but to me the question of whether Oswald acted alone comes down to whether or not you believe the Magic Bullet theory.

    The Warren Commission stated there were 3 shots. According to them the first shot missed. Also according to them, the second shot hit him in the back (just above the shoulder blade), traveled up (realize if Oswald shot from the 6th floor the bullet would have been traveling down) and exited from his throat, then traveled back down, hit Connally in the wrist, exited there and lodged in his thigh. That's a lot of work for one bullet, especially since it defies the known laws of gravity.

    The reason there had to only be 3 shots is that it has been shown it is impossible to get off 4 shots in 6-8 seconds. If there were 4 shots, it is evidence of a second gunman. If there was a second gunman, that is evidence of a conspiracy.

    I remember some years ago that there was an audio recording of Dealey Plaza from an open mike on policeman's motorcycle that one could clearly hear 4, and some argued 5 shots. I do remember it was submitted and accepted by the House Committee on Assasinations in 1978. What ever became of that?

  • nilfun

    I confess that I watched Unsolved History last night simply because I thought it was so cool to see a member of JWD on the program!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Actually I think he was on the grassy knoll.

  • Mulan
    I remember some years ago that there was an audio recording of Dealey Plaza from an open mike on policeman's motorcycle that one could clearly hear 4, and some argued 5 shots. I do remember it was submitted and accepted by the House Committee on Assasinations in 1978. What ever became of that?

    They discussed that and analyzed it and determined they were not gunshots after all. Using modern techniques, they showed pretty clearly that all 4 markers were different, VERY different, so not gunshots.

    I confess that I watched Unsolved History last night simply because I thought it was so cool to see a member of JWD on the program!

    That WAS him, wasn't it? I was 99% sure it was. Very cool.

  • Sassy

    My bf and I watched the History Channel the other night and the special on JFK. Both of us in the past have done some reading into his death, as well as gone to the location of the shooting to try to envision the events. I think you are either interested in the subject or you aren't. It would be one thing if we had all the answers, then everyone would get tired of it, but if you still have questions in your mind that need answering, there are reasons to learn more if there is any new evidence or speculation that fills in some gaps left unanswered.

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