Lets pretend jw's disappeared

by atheist_R_stupid 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FayeDunaway
    Whatever it takes, man. We know it's not easy. 
  • atheist_R_stupid
    @baltar447 yeah...stupid atheists. Because in their heads? you can do this...https://facebookpictureposts.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/the_goofy_and_pluto_conundrum_by_andydiehl-d4xdv1h2.jpg
  • Xanthippe
    Am I going to debate with you? No, you are a very angry person full of hate but you think we are the haters. Get help.
  • baltar447
    haha! I know first hand they DON'T fight the issue in every suburb in America anymore.  There's a neighborhood where the police will always come and tell JWs to take off because they have no soliciting laws there and Bethel told them just to hit and run a couple houses and leave. They didn't send their crack legal team down, those guys are too busy with child molestation lawsuits. 
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    Lets pretend jw's disappeared

    Your JW based logic is nothing we haven't heard before, may have even though ourselves in the past, is full of holes and is easily countered once you dare to look at things from both sides.

    However, since you've asked us to pretend , let's also pretend that you as an individual are free to be open and honest with other JW's and admit to them that you've been frequenting  this site and engaging in the discussions. Let's also pretend they won't severely reprimand you if you continue to do so. (so far you have 23 posts)

    P.S  Despite the demands for religious freedom you claim JW's have made, the username you've chosen and the tone of your post, reflect the harsh judgmental closed mindedness that is so prevalent among JW's themselves.

  • Finkelstein

    atheist_R_stupid  self created name tagging tells a story in itself, when in reality most outspoken atheists are also endured humanists who care more about humanity than some self righteous sanctimonious blow hard, covered in pretentious white sheet of moral purity.     


  • LisaRose
    Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine. We're you trying to make a pointing your rant? I couldn't tell. 
  • Finkelstein

    If the JWS fraud never happened, tens of thousands of people including innocent impressionable children would still be living today , they aren't because of some self anointed seers proclaimed they alone are being guided by god's holy spirit told these men how to interpret the religious dietary law of the ancient Hebrews concerning poring out the blood of killed animals before they were to be eaten.

    Kind of shows a bit of the egregious harm people can get themselves involved in playing god games and to a further extent, how mankind can socially injure themselves by striving to find answers to mankind's problems by immersing into spiritualism.   



  • stillin

    Credit where credit is due. The Witnesses, on the whole, are truly a positive force in their communities. They don't burden the jails and prisons, they drive within the laws, they pay their taxes, etc, etc. 

    So do a lot of other people...without blowing their horns about it.

  • Finkelstein

    The Witnesses, on the whole, are truly a positive force in their communities

    What a bunch of Bullshit. 

    JWS do nothing in the communities where they exist, they do not do any charity work to help the poor and disadvantaged, they don't participate in social community events, they don't participate in community politics like voting.or promoting education.

    Those are all identified as being evil and worldly social endeavors by their lying and corrupt spiritual leaders.  

    I knew a lot of JWS who were tax evaders, reckless drivers, drunks, wife beaters and child beaters, adulterators

    and involved in crooked money making schemes.  


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