Are They Trashing Our Pics Too?

by writerpen 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch

    I am so sorry for you dear, that is terrible!

    Talk about conditional love, eh? Sheese, will they ever learn.

  • czarofmischief

    I think my parents did the same thing, now that I think about it.

    Ha! I don't care.


  • SheilaM

    Geesh that is horrible I can't imagine doing that ever

  • wednesday

    my hubby's family, loyal jws, won't put our pics with our gandbabies up. Most likely reason, the grandbabies parents are not married.

    I don't know how people can disown their own flesh. B/c my son and his common law wife do not have a piece of paper, they are not a part of the family?

  • writerpen

    Now that I think about it, there was this sister that harrassed another for having photos of her disfellowshipped son on the walls. And a bookstudy was held there every Tuesday night. That poor woman refused to remove the photo and went to see her son in prison every chance she got. Her reasoning was that he was her son and she would always love him. Guess a lot of parents don't feel that way, but I think if you stand back and look at the Bible as a whole instead of looking at one scripture here and there, you will see the entire theme is Love.


    Yup ... I'm sure it is all about LoyaltyTM ...

    If an elder came over and saw a picture of a disfellowshipped one on display with all the other beloved family members ... how would they explain such an obvious and blatant lack of loyaltyTM ...? Do they love us less because we are disfellowshipped ...? Darn right they do!Their full attention and devotion goes to the loyalTM ones ... we disfellowshipped ones are dead meat ... End of story.

    My daughter phoned me when she first found out I was disfellowshipped ... to see if it was true. It being true, of course, she called to beg me to come back. When I said, "No, Honey ...I won't be coming back..." she then said her official goodbye ... That was more than four years ago.

    She has made it very clear that she refuses to speak with me now...

    My life goes on happily now. I only wish I might include her in my happiness...


  • logansrun

    There is NOTHING in WT literature advocating taking down pictures of DFd people. NOTHING.

    Just thought I'd clear that up.

  • Perry

    I am so sorry Estee!

    (((((((((((((( hugs ))))))))))))))))))

  • DanTheMan
    There is NOTHING in WT literature advocating taking down pictures of DFd people. NOTHING.

    'tis true, but Estee makes a good point - having pictures of your DF'd kids hanging on the walls of your house might cause a few raised eyebrows among the elder bullies.

    *elder looking at picture* "So how is Candy these days? Has she shown any interest in coming back to the truth?"

    (Candy's mom) "well, no, it doesn't seem like she has any interest in it".

    (elder) "Do you talk with her often? Jehovah's Organization has given us clear direction in how we are to deal with our disfellowshipped loved ones."

    (Candy's mom) *squiming, trying to hide the natural pride she has for her disfellowshipped daughter who has become a vibrant and confident young woman* "Well, we talk from time to time, I try to encourage her. She actually seems quite happy with her life."

    (elder) " really need to be careful as to how much you're associating with her...also, the friends could be stumbled by your displaying pictures of her like this. Do you think it is a good idea to have these up?"


  • Perry

    You got the patter down Dan!

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