Now it's wrong to sweep up!!!

by petespal2002 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celia

    Zelevis :

    not everyone is welcomed ...adios

    maybe some Prozac would help. You call the people on this board retards and idiots and whatever else, we ask you to stay and continue reading and learning, welcome you, what more do you expect ?

    well mamma told me love evryone , but those who hate gods word . BYE, and as for mamma, she is doingjust fine , maybe is because she has a puropse in life to do gods will and be happy

    You're implying again.... you don't know any of the members on this board personally. How can you say that we have no purpose in life ? How can you say that we don't do God's will ? We don't distribute the WT propaganda, that's true, we think for ourselves, we don't just follow the rules and orders of the Brooklyn Book Publishing Corporation.

    Calm down and come back tomorrow. Go to bed now, Way past your bedtime young man

  • Stephanus

    Zelevis takes the mike:


  • Stephanus

    Zelevis gets new privileges at the Kingdom Hall:


  • Prisca

    ROTFLOL @ "What a Dweeb"


  • shamus

    Poor Zevelus. He got laughed at. Welcome to the real world, worm. You sure are welcome here, but if you can't take the heat, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. And don't forget to let everyone know about your "persecution complex". You want people to hate you... you just don't realize it yet. Get some counselling or something.

    I think that "brother" should have been disfellowshipped! How dare he sweep the stairs! What a pompus ass, that overbearing self-rightcheous, independent thinking sonofabeetch! Jeez, I would have taken him outside and kicked his ass!

  • imallgrowedup
    he was taken to one side by an elder, told it was not his place to sweep the front of the hall

    You know what they say! "Cleanliness is next to Godliness!"

    I guess they didn't want to take any chances!


  • petespal2002

    Hey Zelvis,

    The brother in question claims to be of the anointed. As zealous and good witnesses should not the elder have thought "if this guy is anointed didn't Jesus say 'What you do to the least of these my brothers you do to me'" basically then he was telling Jesus to stop pitching in and helping, which after all the Kingdom Ministry not long ago encouraged all to do. And he is assigned to the cong in question, a direct assignment from the British branch over the top of the elders heads. So not only was the elder insulting Jesus personally but was questioning the validity if a desicion made by the ORGANISATION. These are points made from valid beliefs of the organisation. And finally, where is the love?????????

  • petespal2002



  • Stephanus
    yup are u excomunicating me from this website for having different views now???

    Nope. No-one is going to kick you off. YOU were the coward who ran off ("left the building"), tail between legs, after it got too hot for you when people began responding in kind to your nasty, arrogant rants.

  • little witch
    little witch


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