Have you commited the unforgivable sin?

by petespal2002 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rocketman

    Well, that Feb 2003 statement pretty much answers the question.

  • lurk

    they said it didnt count as i wasnt in the truth when i did it

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    To "speak a word against the Holy Spirit" is to actively serve a word (husband/groom) other than Christ (the bridegroom), a "word" that one's soul (the wife) obeys and submits to, living in the same house (person), and producing children (works). Rather than simply considering the relationship, they speak it.

    By their life - eg. the jws.

    In this relationship, one does not accept spiritual growth (it is God who gives the growth, ie. they are not fore-given ), because they have married a different husband, or have become engaged to another groom - being subject to and standing by their chosen word - and their children (fruit) are evidence.

    As Christ was saying to those asking about marriage - "you've no idea what this is about do you........they neither marry nor are given in marriage" He spoke of those who can accept Christ.

    Such is the case with jwism (& the Pharisees) - the Holy Spirit gives to both the good and bad, but different spirits (with 'words') are not like that, using such conditional concepts as "deserve" when giving - speaking for quite a different husband.

    But, as Paul said, the wife is under no obligation to the unbelieving or dead husband.

    So ex-jws - cheer up, being un-fore-given was no more than a state (relationship) you were in at the time. No doubt many of you were not even married, but, like the Samaritan woman, were just living with that person at the time - kind of like a convenience - as 'Samaritan women' might just do.


  • Blueblades

    SIN,whatever it is, was unforgivable from the start,DEATH for SIN.Everyone dies! There are no forgivable persons.

    This talk of venial sins,mortal sins,unforgivable sins makes no difference.Even innocent children suffer death.You want to talk about unforgivable,the death of innocent children is unforgivable.The suffering of the innocent animal creation is unforgivable.

    There is no unforgivable sin in creation.The death of innocents is proof of this.What is unforgivable is the allowance of this innocents of animals and babies and children.What is written in the Bible,is hear say.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I still can't figure out why it's NOT forgivable to tell God to go jump in a lake when yer mad, yet it's forgivable to sexually abuse a child and ruin the rest of their life. Doesn't make much sense to me.


  • Farkel

    : The ultimate taboo of being a JW is the unforgivable sin, a direct action of going against the leadings of the holy spirit.

    Of course, the whole notion is a pile of crap and here's why: no one in WatchtowerLand(tm) has defined the phrase "leadings of the holy spirit." That same "holy spirit" that somehow "directs" them has let them to make a record of 100% false prophecies (unless you count the "invisible" prophecies which no one can refute or corroborate.) In typical fashion, the WTS uses expressions like "leadings of the holy spirit" as if the holy spirit has a part-time job and when it is working doesn't really do much more that give someone (whoever THEY are) some "leadings." It is typical double-talk from the Watchtower leaders and is another non sequitur which sounds good to fools, and which is obvious to people who can think.

    NO sin is unforgivable given the crappy circumstances we humans face and given the infinite forgiveness offered by Christ, but not His Dad. His Dad is a total jerk. He forgives nothing and punishes everything. The playing field is not level, and some people get a MUCH better shot at doing good than others. This is a fact, and if "DAD" cannot see that fact, then "DAD" is every bit the monster the Bible makes it (sic) out to be.

    Read the creative sociopathic works of Zephaniah and the fanciful works of Zechariah if you want to learn about "DAD" and hurl your last meal as well as wasting a perfectly good meal, if you don't believe me.

    So there!


  • lurk

    direct action of going against the leadings of the holy spirit.

    i dont see any problem here

    after all if you dont belive the WTS is under direction of holy spirit then how can you commint the sin?

    after all woudnt all catholics baptist lutherians protestants etc etc have commited the unforgivebale sin if they left thier churches to join the WTS?.no cause the WTs would say the churches are false.so its not a sin. there for the same is true when you leave the WTs because you belive it to be false.

    wouldnt god beaware of the human struggle to find whats right? the bible says that the word would be spoken of abusivly because of the behavoir of some in the churches.so he even knows that ppl will be put of jesus message .i think he must know how bad it would get to see whats true.

    i really do belive that the unforgiveable sin would be in a circumstance where you KNOW for sure with out doubts that something/one is spirit directed but go against deliberatly ...or you deliberalty set out to work against god knowing fully what your doing.....this would be like a antichrist type way.

    im left now with looking at how simple the message really is

  • JT

    thanks that was the article

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    direct action of going against the leadings of the holy spirit.

    It's simply a path / direction, where if your husband, the head of your house that you obey, is not the Holy spirit - the word you speak is against the Holy spirit - considering free will, it's your choice not to accept what is given, growth - forever if you want.

  • stillajwexelder

    I have now by posting on this board -- however, you could argue that if enough people posted on this board it would be a sign that the holy spirit is with us all here !

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