Vomit alert!

by Tashawaa 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • 95stormfront
    they discouraged people from going to secular sources for help.

    the exception to that rule would be if you needed money........then they're more than happy to point you to those worldly sources

  • blondie

    When my husband was an elder, he always encouraged people to seek outside help, whether it be marriage counseling or mental health issues. He was not popular with the other elders for doing that, but he did not let that deter him.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    OK, when will I expect the next joke?

    Guest 77

  • heathen

    The WT publishing corporation might as well own up to the fact that is all they are . Salvation to them is based on selling magazines not on helping people . Of course God will one day solve all the problems but for now it's suffer an die .

  • Poztate

    Our elders are well trained ====WT and Awake articles

    help us locate secular sources of help==Telephone Book

    I don't know.It seems like they have a GREAT support system to me.


  • Sassy
    Our elders are well trained to handle all kinds of situations that may come up, including ...suicide counselling,

    well I certainly never saw that after I tried to commit suicide. They acted like they didn't even hear me when I told them. Like it was unimportant conversation like hello how are you or Nice weather we are having.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    The elders in my congregation who df'd me for drug abuse never suggested I go to a treatment program or what I was going to do after I was df''d to try to get clean and come back.

    In fact the elders on my judicial commitee were not trained to do anything but menial labor. One was a golf course groundkeeper, the other runs a newstand in a office building and the other is a nurse. I never trusted male nurses!

    They did however tell me how sorry they were to see what happened to me and that I should pray more for help in conquering my crack addiction. I felt like telling them if i had good prayer habits I wouldn't be sucking a horn in the first place.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I know four people who are mentally ill who were dfd. Yes, these "qualified elders" thought cutting off mentally ill people and having their family and friends shun them would be the way to deal with their "conduct unbecoming of a christian". I can't imagine a psychiatrist doing something like that to a patient.


  • Jesika
    Our elders are well trained to handle all kinds of situations that may come up, including helping those who may have an addiction to be freed from it, marriage and family counselling, suicide counselling, and so forth

    Ya right!!!!! Until you start pointing fingers at the ELDERS!!!!!!!! Fing BS!!!!

    *calming down and not saying what she wants to say*

    This is more like the way they want the "counseling".........

    *going to go* I know I was warned.......but $hit!!!!

    All I have to say is BBBBBBBBBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    EDITED TO ADD.............WHAT TRAINING???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Elder's don't have a CLUE..............if that is training...........then ask your local elders..........did you graduate even HIGH SCHOOL........so who are you to counsel me???? Do YOU have a DEGREE in this field???? or any field???????????

    OK I have to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • lovinlife

    OMG....that is such BS. I have the battle scars to prove it. As I mentioned before, I am the former wife of a physically and emotionally abusive elder. When I finally got the courage to go to the elders for help...at great physical harm to myself, the situation was so bad they said they would have to write the society. You know what the society said??? They advised the elders not to get involved in the situation since it is a personal matter between husband and wife!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay....so they can tell you what kind of sex you are allowed and not allowed to have, but they cannot stop an elder from hitting his wife because it is a personal matter!!!!!!!!

    Oh yeah, and by the way...when they did finally consent to allow us to have an elder to work with us, they assigned an elder that was 56 years old, never married, and still lived at home with his DAD!!!!!!!! QUALIFIED???? What a load of crap!

    Phew....lovinlife reminds self that it is all in the past..................

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