Images of Paradise: A move Away From Artwork?

by Stephanus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Actually, heathen, I have known elders appointed as young as 25, so it is possible. They were at least committed to the image of an elder before they had been beaten down by the more "mature" brothers into the "real way things are done around here."

    The men's hair is abnormally short and no mustaches.


  • kj

    Shouldn't everyone in paradise be naked? If we are going back to the way Adam and Eve were before they sinned, when they were still perfect, then we'd all be naked. Now that would be some interesting artwork!


  • czarofmischief

    If the WT runs the New World, we'll NEVER be naked and marital relations will take place "decently and by arrangement" meaning the dubs will have to make "return visits" to their wives and then fill out a "filling the earth assignment" slip and send it in to Paterson so they can keep track of their God-given mission to "be fruitful and multiply".

    Hey, that's a good idea for my Jehovaq mythos.


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Well doesn't EVERYONE dress in their dress cloths when their working out in the yard!

    Shamus, you're too funny!

  • shamus


    LMAO! Too funny!

    How the hell would this happen? Here would be the mating ritual....

    Male: Honey, I feel that we should copulate. I think that we need to fill the earth more.

    Female: Why yes, my love, we should go through with the assigned sexual intercourse action... we should in fact mate.

    Male: I am glad that you are in agreeance, honey. Even if you were not, I would tell you that you must do it, as it is god's will.

    Female: Yes, I do show true respect for the headship law, and would do as you say, master.

    Male: Very well. Please go shower, and I shall shower after you, and we will go mate according to the clean standards of god.

    Female: Very well.

    (a few minutes later)...

    Male: You smell wonderful dear... I love the soap that you use.

    Female: Thank you, honey. It was made yesterday. It took me all day.

    Male: Please lie on your back, so that we may copulate according to Jehovahs' will.

    Female: I shall.

    Male: I shall now begin the transaction of sperm... please stand by.

    (moments later)

    Male: I am finished.

    Female: Very well. I did not enjoy it one bit.

    Male: I did not either.

    Female: I shall clean the house for you, honey. What are you going to do today?

    Male: Oh, the usual. Garden and pick fruit.

    Female: Thank you for this wonderful exchange. I shall have a child.

    Male: You are welcome, life partner. All is bliss.

    The end of the mating ritual in the new system. Sounds like a gas.

  • stillajwexelder

    SHAMUS ------ I am dying of laughter here you irreverent person -you.

    Ever thought with photos it is not quite as easy to put subliminal images in the literature -- was it Derek Barefoot - or can not quite remember the name who did a book on that?

  • heathen

    Blondie--- I don't see how a 25 yr. old could be taken seriously as an elder since they are not actually older than 90 % of the congregation . I mean jeeze how the hell is a 50 or 60 year old going to feel comfortable calling a 25 yr old elder?? I guess it's all part of the insanity of the WTBTS.

  • kj

    LMAO at Shamus! That was too funny!


  • blondie


    Heathen, I agree that most 99.999% 25-year olds can't give counsel on much let alone life's large issues.

    I don't see how a 25 yr. old could be taken seriously as an elder since they are not actually older than 90 % of the congregation .

    But then the WTS always points to Timothy as an example. I have seen 18-year old MS which freaks me out. Imagine a 13-year-old "baptized" young man meeting for field service with 5 sisters over 40 and he handles the meeting for field service, comments, prayer and organizing car groups.

    It happens more than I'd like it. Of course, years does not equal wisdom unless the knowledge is being applied.

    Blondie (who took few elders seriously no matter their ages)

  • undercover

    Why is it that in most WTS photos like this, they show everyone reading or holding a WTS publication and never the Bible? Yea, the Bible is laying open on the table, but the subliminal message here is that the WTS publications are more important. Every meeting shot taken shows everyone holding up their WT, but with their Bible on their lap or even out of sight. What happened to "Bible" studies?

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