Why does the society try to keep the R&F so busy?

by Flowerpetal 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    First, it is a tactic of a cult:

    Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group.


    Second, the WTS believes that

    The DEVIL finds work for idle hands to do.

    9/1/88 WT p. 14 Stand Firm Against Satan?s Machinations
    The great Adversary is not idle. (1 Peter 5:8) Perhaps that is why a proverb says, "The Devil finds work for idle hands to do." He is out to subvert all genuine Christians. (2 Timothy 3:12) And he can concentrate on Jehovah?s people for one simple reason?he already has the rest of the world in his power!

    12/1/93 WT p. 27
    Keeping busy in Jehovah?s work is the foremost way to oppose Satan and his world and give Jehovah exclusive devotion.

    8/15/90 WT p. 15
    As loyal servants of Jehovah, we must keep busy in his service and be guided at all times by his holy Word. This will help us in our firm resolve that no price Satan can ever offer will swerve us from loyalty to God.

    The work of preaching is now taking on added urgency as the end of Satan?s empire draws near. Having the truth of Jehovah God?s Word, as his Witnesses, we have an obligation to spread the good news at every opportunity. The work at hand is more than enough to keep us busy, right up to the end. We must never allow ourselves to be sidetracked by hedonistic, immoral pleasure-seeking or to be weighed down by materialism. We should not get involved in speculative thinking, debating about words, for this can prove to be unprofitable and time-consuming.


  • FlyingHighNow


    1. To keep tight control over several million people. The more their time, thoughts and actions are tied up with the WTBTS, the less chance there is the r&f will stop succumbing to WTBTS brainwashing techniques.

    2. To keep a steady flow of people into the org. to replace those leaving and hopefully keep the r&f numbers into the postive integers.


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