by [email protected] 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Not sure which of us is the biggest loser, going back and forth about this on a Friday night...but I'm pretty sure it's you.

    How does a church provide "fellowship" with anonymous church members? Aside from using the name Jehovah, what do you provide for XJW's? You seem to use many terms from mainstream Christianity - and you fail to discuss doctrine at all on your site.

    If you think that simply inviting XJW's will get many people streaming in to swallow recycled mainstream Protestant dogma, you have a surprise in store.

  • shamus

    Phantom Stranger,

    I see the light... it is that group on Yahoo!!! Jehover kreated the internet for the church.. long live the kindumb hall of my monitor... I shall dwell with the lovers of rightcheousness forever and ever.. I shall...

    Oh wait, I'm going to get a beer.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    All hail Shamus's new Church of Beer, with the Brewer Christ, the miracles of Hops and Barley, and walking on artesian water, all in the name of Beer.

    [email protected]

    Thank you for the information about hyperlinks


  • shamus

    Thank god it saved me... I was almost taken in! Jeez, I had better not open my door to the Mormons knocking on my door.

  • Nickey

    *shakes head*

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Many think that Jesus turned the water into wine... but thanks to this New Drinker's Translation of the Scriptures, we see that Jesus actually turned it into beer - specifically, Mcmenamin's Terminator Stout. The attendees at the wedding feast were used to getting Coors Light at the end of the reception, and so were surprised at the quality of what was being served.

    [email protected]

    What the Church of Jehovah provides is the comfort that comes from the Bible instead of the Watchtower's apostacised Governing Body.

    Fellowship is open to ex-JW's but also to all others who love Jehovah.


    The emphasis is not on the name so much as the PERSON, who is kind and loving.

    Local fellowship depends on those who are local to find one or more friendly persons to meet with, but the site itself also offers a chatroom and postings of upbuilding Bible readings.

    I have to go now, but future readers are invited to see for themselves. Not all who post here are what they seem.

    Best Regards to all kind-hearted ones,

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I am just like I seem - someone who's poking fun at a fluff post with no meat behind it.

    [email protected]

    The "meat behind it" is Jehovah whose love shines through the darkness and brightens the lives of all who truly love Him and all that is good.

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