Disassociation and Ray Franz

by greatteacher 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Sassy

    Ok.... ( in the words of Gilda Radner ) never mind

    I'll check out the book later


  • greatteacher

    I did some research on the subject and found that from 1930 to 1985 the Watchtower published 7 articles concerning "how to treat a disassociated person." All of these articles were published between September 1981 and July 1985. So, from 1930 to August 1981, nothing was published on "how to treat a disassociated person." Ray Franz was disfellowshipped for associating with a disassociated person shortly after the first article was published. Basically, like others have stated, it seems that this new rule was created to disfellowship Ray Franz (and others) because they couldn't get Ray for anything else and they knew his employer was disassociated and was helping Ray. If the above isn't true than what was the policy on "how to treat a disassociated person" previous to 1981? Why is there no mention of it before 1981? Any thoughts?

  • mizpah

    It should not be overlooked that Ray was eating with his employer at the time. Peter Gregerson provided Ray and Cynthia with a house and a job. The terrible rumors and gossip about Ray were encouraged and spread by those in the organization. And I have no doubt that it was the GB that was the force behind the elders' action to disfellowship Ray. From such a record, it is easily discerned who was and was not acting in a Christian like manner.

  • greatteacher

    You're correct. Ray was acting like the real christian.

  • Euphemism
    I did some research on the subject and found that from 1930 to 1985 the Watchtower published 7 articles concerning "how to treat a disassociated person." All of these articles were published between September 1981 and July 1985.

    Just a question, greatteacher. Did you rely on the WT Publications Index to determine that? In case you're not aware, the Index is not a reliable source, since "old light" is often removed from its listings.

    Also, policies on such subjects might very well be found in one of the Organization books, which are not found on the WTLib CD-ROM. So if anyone has one of the older org books and can quote the policy, that might help answer the question.

  • AlanF

    Euphemism said:

    : the Index is not a reliable source, since "old light" is often removed from its listings.

    Good point! I've found that the best way to ensure finding something is to use the older Indexes like 1971-1975 or even the single-year Indexes. At least get hold of an Index from when the "old light" was current policy. Also searching the CDROM is helpful, as the Society wouldn't dare to change the contents with respect to the original publications.


  • Sassy

    I had the old indexes and bound volumes but when I moved I was encourage to just get rid of them since I had the cd. Sure never thought at the time I might be sorry that I did and that information would 'disapear' as if it had never been on the current cd index's.

  • cyberguy

    According to Benner (the CO that was assigned to Ray's DF'ing--was CO when I lived in Florida), he was asked by the boys in Brooklyn, to find any means possible to get Ray out! Benner also said that Brooklyn, disavowed all association with the matter and any law suites that might follow were Benner's problem!

  • greatteacher

    Does anyone know of the Watchtower's policy on "how to treat disassociated ones" previous to 1981? Could witnesses associate with disassociated ones without receiving discipline before 1981?

  • core

    According to Benner (the CO that was assigned to Ray's DF'ing--was CO when I lived in Florida), he was asked by the boys in Brooklyn, to find any means possible to get Ray out! Benner also said that Brooklyn, disavowed all association with the matter and any law suites that might follow were Benner's problem!

    Typical scum tactics to work through a mouthpiece whilst distancing themselves from the problem in public. Not much different today when elders cannot quote any directions given that may incriminate the legal/service departments. Sad that vermin like Benner are willing to act as stooges and not as men - as I recall he was the person who claimed to "parrot" his directions from the GB

    RF was a problem for the WT just because he was NOT acting as an apostate or troublemaker - quietly attending in Gadsden and making no stir or waves - his books came after he was DAd and may not have been written had they left him alone. Serves them right that his books have cause so much defection - all as a result of their targeting him for action. Who says God does not work in mysterious ways?

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