Everlasting life on a Paradise earth..myth or reality?

by shotgun 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Pistoff

    blondie wrote:

    I told the elders that I didn't want to live in paradise on earth if it was going to be the same as the KH all over the world. I would rather die at Armageddon

    LOL. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall in all of your meetings with the elders, blondie. Their jaws are probably still on their chests.

  • blondie
    I wish I could have been a fly on the wall in all of your meetings with the elders, blondie. Their jaws are probably still on their chests

    Actually, pistoff, the elder who took it most to heart is now a fader like me. He did the "move to another area" trick.


  • Special K
    Special K

    Good topic shotgun..

    I was really programmed not to look at the context of scriptures when I was a J.W...

    I could flip flop that bible back and forth and sling scriptures to back up most things that needed to be defended. I was exceptional in defending why people should not take a blood transfusion.

    However, all the scriptures were taken out of context of the story they were in .

    It kind of makes me feel sort of "stupid" now as I look back on it all.

    Just took it all hook, line and sinker.. yes master, yes master, yes master..

    If you have ever watched "Toy Story" movie with your kids. There are these little martian type figures that think Buzz is like a God when they are at the Space Pizza Joint.

    They are being plucked out of this machine by the nasty kid (who will tear them apart).. and they are sooo happy to be the chosen one... they all think the same and all follow each other in their mindless senseless DAH .. kind of way. Not one of them is an independent thinker.

    I guess that was me when I was a J.W... DAHHHHH !!! I Will follow YOU!!! We have been chosen !!! or in my case. My parents have chosen the way that I must follow.. Blech!

    All plugged in to the same light bulb..

    Thanks for all your research, Shotgun.. It is quite amazing all the digging and reasoning that you do... and it all make sense.. and proves one has to think and reason things out.

    If you ever get out of this religion, I don't think you will ever be duped again by some religion or any group holding up .. dangling carrots, paradises on earth, or any pie in the sky prizes.

    I think next time I'm gonna want my prize FIRST !!!


    Special K

  • Panda

    Secularism = myth-understood

  • stephen

    So just what WAS God's purpose in creating this place where we all live?


  • Panda

    Stephen, Once there was an amazing surge of magnetic gravity which pulled elements together in the universe. The strength of the energy was such that even the bound elements exploded outward. The elements still had their properties and the magnetic gravity still pulled because now there was plenty of mass to create more gravity. Certain masses became "super" heavy and collapsed (imploded) scattering more mass. Some of these super heavy masses had continual chemical reactions. These reactions did not need oxygen to burn. The heaviness of the stars magnetic gravity drew large masses of less dense materials into orbits. Galaxies were formed. Some of the orbiting less dense materials were too close to stars and so never had an atmosphere, or their particular chemistry and/or distance from the big nuclear reacter (let's call ours the sun) left them freezing by night and boiling by day. So in our solar system (again named for that big giant heater 93,000,000 miles away) one planet was warmed enough for the H 2 0 not to evaporate yet be able to change from solid, to liquid ,to gas; and the gravity of the sun coupled with the Earth's own gravity allowed for atmosphere. The atmosphere protected this planet from radiation. There was wind from the weather created by the sun. There were volcanic upheavels which moved the elements of star dust around, and moved huge continents on their plates. Do you imagine anything grander? After millions of this forming and stability/instability of cycles, a very tiny bacteria took hold. It's cells divided when it was at optimum time. There had probably been many cells which never made it past a few cell divisions. But this one little guy did it. Elements were always there, combining and recombining. That strongest speck was the beginning. If you want to know more about the incredible ability of one single cell read "The Selfish Gene" by Dawkins.

    I hope this will help you to understand the wonder of our universe.


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I was reading a website, and now of course I can't find it,

    but it talked about a Reverend in 1822, who put out a book, saying that they would live on a paradise earth. The idea was not accepted by those of that time, and the book faded away quickly not long after it was released.

    Has anyone else heard this story ?????????????????

  • Flowerpetal

    I still do believe that the earth is here to stay and that it will be populated. I believe in the scripture at Revelation 22:1,2 and here it is from the KJV: "And he shewd me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."

    My reasoning on this is anyone who is destined to live in heaven, doesn't need healing. And are there going to be nations in heaven? I don't think so. I believe the healing of the nations is going to be done right here on earth.

    The how's, wherefores, etc. is not mentioned in the Bible, so the society shouldn't speculate on it--but they do, and that's the part that's going beyond scripture. I'm not one to look at types, but I do believe in this one: Abraham's attempt at offering up Issac, was a drama played out which represented the Creator actually offering up his SON, for mankind. Because this was done BEFORE the nation of Israel was formed, it was not just for Israel, but for all of the human family. It must mean more than that there is just going to be one destiny and that is for people to live in heaven. The one hope is LIFE--but there are two places where it can be spent. Here on earth, after the healing has taken place, or in heaven, where those who dwell there are already healed.

    And Panda, as much as I love scientific explanations, can any scientist explain where magnetic gravity came from, where the elements came from, where the energy came from, and where "certain" masses came from, etc.? There weren't just always there. SOMEONE had to make them.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    the land - the firmament - between the waters above, from God, and the waters that are below - "let there be a firmament" - believe (identify with) Him

    "yeah right"

    no one can change it

  • czarofmischief

    Life is a chrysalis, meant to provide a safe place for growth as our consciousness develops from purely animal to angelic and beyond.

    A life, or a soul, begins as a small creature, perhaps a bacteria, and over the course of thousands of reincarnations, depending on its course in each life, gradually grows into a soul that can fill a human body - and then when a human dies, the soul is reincarnated as an angelic body, provided of course that it has built up enough positive karma to power the growth cycle.

    I'm starting my own religion.


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