Witness Costume Parties?

by shamus 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Faraon


    Excuse me? How do good JWs do their parts in the assembly dramas if they don't dress up as Egyptians, Babylonians, Philistines and other pagans? It seems they have two sets of rules...

    You have to remember that this is not carousing with dancing and getting drunk. This is more like theatre. Like they did in Jesus time. Remember that there were no women perfoming theatre in those days.

    OK. bad example.

    Actually the plays in the assemblies are modeled after the simpler times during Shakespeare. Ok. bad example again. We would not want people to think we are gay.

    OK never mind.

    Costume parties are bad just because we say so. So there.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    They emphasized the points that it was wrong to dress up because it was a form deceiving people. Why would a true Christian want to deceive others?

    One time for Halloween, my friend dressed up as a goblin. I didn't recognize him, and honestly thought he was a real goblin, so I shot him. If he wouldn't have deceived me, he would still be alive.

    ROFL! That was entirely fabricated. But seriously, how in the hell do you deceive people by dressing up? I mean, have you ever not been able to recognize your friends at any party? ROFL!

    I'm not sure if I should be sickened by the stupidity of the quoted statement, or roll around on my floor laughing. Guess I'll do both.

  • searcher
    I mean, have you ever not been able to recognize your friends at any party? ROFL!

    Erm......Well, after 10 or 12 pints of beer...............

  • jayhawk1
    w92 8/15 19 Fine oversight of a social gathering includes its planning and preparation. This does not require devising a catchy theme to make it unique or memorable but which would imitate worldly parties, such as costume balls or masquerade parties. Can you imagine faithful Israelites in the Promised Land planning a party where all were to dress like pagans in Egypt or another land? Would they plan sensuous dancing or wild music that might be the rage among pagans? Back at Mount Sinai, they did get ensnared in music and dancing such as may have been current and popular in Egypt. We know how God and his mature servant Moses viewed that entertainment.

    Excuse me, I thought Gee-hoe-vah was upset with the Israelites at Mount Sinai because of them worshiping a gold calf, not because they threw a party. Geez, they can twist anything in the Bible to say whatever they want.

  • BluesBrother
    Would Christ do that?

    Who the hell knows what Christ would have done? He seems to me to be warm and reasonable man. Hell. he used the power of the HS to produce wine for the wedding. Who would have believed that of him if it were not in scripture? The children clamored to sit on him. That does not happen to a po faced , fun killing analy retentive nerd, such as some would make him out to be.

    That expression is used by those in the borg who just want to stop others doing what they themselves dislike . And I know that Penwell was being ironic

    And Blondie. How do you always come up with the reference to an article that I can only dimly remember? You are a gold mine of info.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    Who the hell knows what Christ would have done? He seems to me to be warm and reasonable man. Hell. he used the power of the HS to produce wine for the wedding. Who would have believed that of him if it were not in scripture? The children clamored to sit on him. That does not happen to a po faced , fun killing analy retentive nerd, such as some would make him out to be

    Yeah, a lot of Christian denominations don't seem to get this, not just JWs. Plus I tried to reason with JWs on some of their stringent rules, arguing that Jesus didn't view every law as black and white. This guy healed people on the Sabbath for crying out loud.

  • Redneckgurl

    When I was a teenager, the congregation I was in had costume parties in November, you know, keep it close to Halloween so that costumes were easily available! LOL It was a big deal that everyone looked foward to, planned for, and was exciting.....I was always waiting to get my invitation in the mail.

    Anyway, I was never invited to them because my parents thought it was a replacement for Halloween, and I was looked down upon as a troublemaker. Then they were banned and my father felt vindicated.........I just looked like him like an ole fuddy dud, and was not happy that he got his way.

    Oh, did I mention that only a couple of the teens I grew up with stayed JW's? I used to wonder why, now I wish I joined them sooner!

    Just Celebrated Halloween for the first time with my children! It was great! Even Hubby did it for the first time in his life! (I did it till I was 10)


  • shamus

    Haloween is fun... and good for you for celebrating it, redneckgurl. (any relation to redneck?) There is nothing wrong with giving candy out to kids who dress up in costumes. Sure, you can put on a demon spin on anything, but WHY? You'll look like a social misfit; like a typical witness is.

  • notperfectyet


    I have alot of evil things to say to you......but I would be banned.

    I was raised a witness, costumes and costume parties were banned.

    Minimus knows this, that is why he started it.

    Tell us mini, how many parties did you shut down?

    Oh but if we could dress up in a drama.............

  • Piph

    We used to have costume parties around here...after that article came out, there were a few rebels who still managed to have them, despite being counseled, and they had a pretty good turn out anyway. My girlfriend and I came as a couple to one of them...she was dressed as a guy. We got a few stares but we enjoyed them. Of course all the fun was put to a halt when somebody tried to do the limbo. Heaven forbid.

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