I may stick around for a little while

by What The....... 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • observador
    they said I was on dangerous ground thinking the way I was.

    Most likely the elders thought: "What the... is this guy thinking he is..."

    Welcome to the board.


  • jgnat

    What the...Welcome! Warned from the board? How interesting. I wonder if we are acquainted with that JW poster. I wonder if they have been open enough to share their concerns with the rest of us.

    Being a woman of delicate and sensitive nature, I avoid threads to do with Politics, War, and Abortion. So my experience on the board has been overwhelmingly positive. Even the athiests have been respectful (even if they DO shred the bible to ribbons in front of me).

  • FlyingHighNow

    What the,

    Please do stay here and take back your power. Do you think Jesus wanted us to be frightened of the elders or those in charge? Can you imagine what he would say to the governing body, DOs, COs and elders were here today? Probably something like: You offspring of vipers! You resemble white washed graves, beautiful on the outside but on the inside full of rotten bones.

    Some of the elders and people in charge have feelings just like you do. We have former elders here. Don't forget Raymond Franz: he was a member of the governing body and wrote many of the JW books. I am sure the gov. bod. considers him apostate enemy number one.

    If what those who have left are saying is not true it will be obvious. Why are the faitful so afraid of "apostate" teaching and thinking if it's not true? If "apostates" were saying JWs sacrifice virgins then you would know it wasn't true. If they said JWs practice polygamy, you would know it wasn't true. But they don't say those kinds of things. Find out for yourself if what is being said here is true. Most libraries have the internet. It's a place you can check the forum without someone catching you. Think about that.

    Heather S. II

  • morty

    welcome what the..........stay, you may learn something here.....


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