Would you do this?

by Been there 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I know a few co-workers I'd like to pee on. Basically, I'll pee on anything that is willing to be peed on. I find pee tests absolutely hilarious! I think I just love the fact that someone somewhere is playing in my pee.

  • Garnet

    Just to add, many of other "drugs", anti-depressants, etc...can actually make your drug test turn up positive. I have a few books on interviewing and in each they have a section on drug testing, I wish I could remember it all off hand :(

  • Billygoat

    I'd probably do it...if they paid me enough. Call me enterprising. *giggle*

    I figure if you WANT the job, then prepare for it and quit smoking for one month. If you can't then you have an addiction. That's my opinion. Cleansing solutions don't always work. And beware...some diet drugs that contain ephedra will show up positive on drug tests as amphetamines. Here at my company some people have been denied a job when they truly have NOT taken drugs. But Metabolife or someother types of diet pills CAN make a drug test positive.

  • Been there
    Been there

    Thank you again everyone for your replies. Long list!!!!!!!!!

    The person in question did not have time to detox or they would have. His boss changed company's and took a few guys with him and had no idea there might be a problem. He does not work impaired as it is done before bed (to aid in sleeping). It would not affect me in anyway if I did it and most likely would not get caught but it may affect me if I didn't and he didn't get the job.

    I guess I want to know why I won't do it. I am a very honest person. I follow the law (most of the time, I have a lead foot though). I was curious if it was the JW upbringing that puts me on my moral high ground. I have been out along time but still have very high standards that I hold myself to (and others sorry to say). Another reason is possibly being Canadian I have never wanted to get in any kind of legal trouble so as not to be deported (unlikely, but possible).

    So did the WBTS make my conscience? and can it be over riden?

  • Been there
    Been there

    No = 8

    Yes = 5

    ??? = 8 (Not sure if they are yes or no just info or statements)

  • Panda

    Does anyone remember the Seinfeld episode where Elaine tested posetive for opiates? The reason? She'd eaten a poppy seed roll. So she wanted Jerry's Mom to give her her pee for the second test. Her results were that she was post menapausal and had a calcium deficiency. So by those standards they could tell if your pee is male or female. But then Larry David might be jerking our chains.

    No I wouldn't do it.

  • morty

    Welcome to Canada!!!The home of us making or changing the law,when we feel like it!

    We have had a battle here in Canada for the last 6 months to weather you can smoke pot here or not....One minute you can the next minute you cant....Here we have a fella that runs a pot shop....You could go in up to 1 month ago and sit on the back patio and have your reffer..with the law not bothering you...now,of course it is illegal again..shit or get of the pot!! They change the laws here more then I curse!(and that is a whole lot....lol..)..I also wondered though,If it is legal to have 15 grams of pot on you,your aloud to smoke it,you cant get busted,then how the hell can you get dragged in for a "CLEAN PEE TEST" if it is totally leagal to smoke but you cant work with it? You know 1 joint stays in your system for 21 days....My point is as follows..I think that if your a rec smoker, and you are not hurting anyone..why should a "clean pee" test be done? I think it is a violation of our human rights..like i said...one minite your leagal to smoke it,but dont dare have it in your pee...the next minite you cant smoke it nor have it in your system...It has been a proven point here,that people who have cronic pain,are better off smoking a joint once a day,then taking 8-15 pain pills a day....The whole pot thing just rubs me the wrong way....FYI....it is ok to have codeine,,oxycodone,propoxyphene,morphine,hydromophone,

    anileridine,levorphanol,meperidine,oxmorphone,methadone, in your system here,when going for a "pee" test here in Canada,as long as you have a "note" from your doctor.How ridiculas is that?..sorry I have gone off topic,but the answer to your question is....yes I would help out a friend...but I cant because I use pain killers for cronic pain controll....Yet I could still drive a bus here in Canada if I wanted to! Go figure this law......Signing off as a little confused about the whole "pee test thing"


  • ChimChim

    All depends, I probably would if it was really important to them. I hope I wont be asked any time soon though


  • SanFranciscoJim

    Absolutely not.

    If the person got into trouble with the law, it wouldn't be difficult for detectives to subpoena urine samples from a company utilizing urinalysis. There is no doctor-patient privilege. Trying to explain to detectives why your DNA appeared at a crime scene would endlessly complicate your life.

  • Been there
    Been there

    Once again thank you all for the replies. I wish I was good at breaking all the comments down like some people......but I'm not so I just do the blanket thank you. Hope you don't mind.

    Well, the pee thing is taken care of. I couldn't give it but I had no problem tracking down someone who would. Convieniant conscience? It's the detective in me.

    No = 10

    Yes = 8

    ??? = 8

    If I'm not mistaken this post will put me at 500 (finally) posts and make me a master member. Yeh Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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