How to resign as an elder?

by IT Support 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    The elders i have known who did it without getting DF/DA just did as stated," i resign." Don't state anything in writing. And whatever u tell them don't tell them something they can disprove. example, sick parents when they aren't, etc. That is too easy to check on. Now vague health problems, esp chemical sensitivites, who can disprove them? Be careful with working extra, unless your wife suports what u are doing. Again, they could disprove that. Whatever u chose, just make sure they can't track down another person and ask them if it is true. I thiink health works the best and will garner u some sympathy too.

    I'm not an elder, but due jto my health, have not been bothered by anyone except the PO's wife. And she is sweet, so if she wants to call, fine.

    DJ has a good point, but who among us can just drop our entire life like that.

  • fearnotruth22

    IT DEPENDS WHAT YOU HAVE IN MIND. dO WNAT TO CONTINUE ASSOCIATING or do you wnat to stop associating. THwy will accept your resignation for personal reasonal reasons, whatever cirmcumstav=ces you are dealing with that prevents you from permorming your duties.

  • willyloman

    Ken: I came across this thread while reading back over the last two weeks... I've been away from the board and haven't logged in for awhile.

    I am under impression you posted this to get advice for your own personal use. If so, how did it go? Have you resigned?

    I have, and it's been extremely liberating.

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