by You Know 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    You Know,

    I took the time to read the words of your economic prophet. I asked some questions about what I read. Are you going to address those questions? Inquiring minds want to know.

  • metatron

    Pure crap

    Show me an "apostate" who says "that will never happen".
    ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! It's just that your wild unsupported,
    and often, unscriptural ravings lack credibility. Your
    past false prophecies don't help either. You are buying into
    assertions made by people trying to sell buillion over stocks.

    As for me, I think growth will be anemic and I'm accumulating
    silver long term (like Mr.Buffet) due to the demand


  • You Know
    You Know

    To Larc:

    During six of those seven years, we have had the biggest boom in economic prosperity in 50 years.

    False. During the last 7 years we have had an enormous financial bubble. The real economy has been in decline 2% per year for the last 30 some years. It has only been disguised by the fact that most households now have two or more wage earners, whereas 30 years ago one wage earner could support an entire household. Now the actual economy is in a much steeper decline than 2%. You need to take the economics I.Q. test. / You Know

    CLICK HERE>>>>>>>>>> http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/1999/lar_economics_iq_test_2620.html

  • joelbear

    I agree with You Know that harder times are ahead. I differ with him on the timing. I think we probably have 50 to 100 years left.

    Man has turned his back on his natural state and has strived instead to replace it with a "dollar" state or what I call a fiat state. Fiat being a declared value placed on something that has little or no real natural value. Fiat profit is meaningless in the long run as it has no natural value. Only nature and natural resources have natural and therefore renewable value. As man has placed his faith in a fiat system rather than a natural system, he is doomed at some point. You can't eat money. You can't drink paper profits.

    Subconsciously knowing this, man has also created a fiat savior. A savior which has no real natural power, but only the power which its adherents give to it through their belief. This fiat savior is the god of religion who men say will just appear and fix everything that man has brought to a ruinous state.

    Man is an animal, a dangerous one, since he can manipulate his natural environment in ways that damage it, for all practical purposes, permanently. He reproduces at an astronomical rate, eating up more and more resources from his ecosphere.

    In 25 years there will 10 Billion people on the planet, more and more animal and plant species will be extinct, ecologies will continue to be strained by urban sprawl. It will not be a pretty picture as the limited resources of the earth are used up at a faster and faster pace.

    The end of the word began when man took his first step out of the jungle.

    I agree with You Know that an end is indeed imminent in comparison with the billions of years the earth has existed, but this tiny planet is just a blip in a mega universe that won't miss us.

    My advice. Live your 70 years breathing in the wonder that is life and helping others do the same. Live your life as naturally as you can, not overdemanding resources from the environment around you and again helping others do the same. We may lengthen the time that man is able to enjoy the planet before its used up.



  • Cliff Jackson
    Cliff Jackson

    ??? Are you a JW? If you say "apostate," do you mean the JWs who continue to make false prophecies about the end? This has been falsly prophecied by Russell since he used the Great Pyramid of Egypt as a "Prophecy in Stone!" He added 41 inches to the pyramid to make it read 1914 when the 1874 prophecy failed.

    The he just said Jesus came back Spiritually. If Jesus IS back and is directing the WTB&TS, why do they still make false predictions?

  • Cliff Jackson
    Cliff Jackson

    Excuse me for not knowing you. Your profile leave out any damning evidence.

    Are you familiar with Ray Franz? Would you expound on the veracity of his testimony? You do know he voted the right way on the failed prophecy of 1975?

    Why is it that if anyone disagrees with the WT that they are disf'd, even if later proved right? Surely Franz had the direction of Jesus who had come back in 1914?

  • openminded


    Keep in mind that macro-economics is ultimately a social science. The bottom line is that people will find ways to meet basic needs despite the value of the U.S. dollar. I know I will.

  • Abaddon

    This is funny; the only way to really react is to say 'yeah, but that's how shit's always happened'. Of course, a long time ago a very clever double thinker used the fact that people will say 'yeah, but that's how shit's always happened' as one of the cited proofs that it really was going to come to an end, but that's beside the point - he was just being a smart alex and it is still how shit's always happened.

    Apologies for not trying to deal with this debate in detail; it's the principles I find amusing.

    I am British. The British scream and fuss about going from the Pound to the Euro. It's silly shortermism. In fifty years time there will be one currency across Europe, including the former Warsaw pact countires. They'll also be a 'North American' Dollar as the Canuck Buck is bound to merge with the US greenback. How can I be so certain? Because there are certain things that are inevitable.

    Back to Britain again; another silly act of shortermism is to ignore the fact that, as sure as god didn't make little green apples, there will be some sort of federated or confederated Europe within one hundred years. If we look to Canada, well, it and Mexico will almost certainly be in some federated or confederated state with the current US, which will mean the Peso will merge with the dollar.

    If this seems unlikely, well, what do YOU think will happen and WHY??

    Oh, by confederated I I just mean a looser form of federation with greater regional power; nothing to do with the old south. In fact most times 'federation' is used by European politicians, they actually mean confederated.

    Basically there are certain events that have such historical momentum behind them that they will happen. It reminds me of Asimov's 'Federation' books where the study of 'psychohistory' enabled predictions to be made about the future.

    So all this talk of doom and gloom; well, they've been saying it for centuries, and there are peaks and troughs, yeah, which sucks if you're in a trough. Yet history rolls on. It would be far header for 'civilisation' to take a knock-back like it did with the fall of the Roman Empire as the momentum behind it is far greater.

    I suppose the greatest risk is of some super-duper killer disease; nuclear war isn't THAT likely, at least not on any meaningful scale.

    The reason a killer disease might be a major knock-back is the decentralisation of knowledge.

    An educated man in the 15th Century would know, oh, maybe 75% of what there was to know; there simply wasn't THAT much known, there weren't THAT many books, new books weren't published THAT often. You could keep up.

    Now a very well educated individual would struggle to know 10% of what there was to know; there is more to know and no human way to keep abreast of developments as the rate of publishing far exceeds the ability of someone to absorb it all.

    This means if we have a plauge that knocks out 50% of the population, we will have to re-learn how to do somethings again, as the information that dies in some people would not be duplicated in others, unlike the (for example) 14th Century where one educated man would know MUCH of what another educated man might know.

    But short of a killer disease there is little chance of a knock-back. So doom-mongers, forget it; the furture's so bright I just gotta wear shades...

  • larc

    You Know,

    People living at the 25th percentile today have a better economic life than than those at the median 30 years ago. Over the last one hundred years, the time it takes to work to buy goods and services has steadily declined. This trend is unabated in the last decade. (See the book, "Myth of Rich and Poor" written by two economists.)

    Since you drew the first blood insult wise, let me say that you are a laughable, pitiful example of the intellectualy blinded, narrow minded follower. Your critical thinking skills are nil. You are the perfect follower, the kind that demagogues love. You are bright enough to put together a sentence, but dumb enough to buy a load of crap without question. Eric Hoffer wrote about you years ago.
    You still have defined "imminent" you intellectual midget. When you come to this discussion board, you are out of your league, as has fully been proven by many writers here.

    Have a nice day.

  • You Know
    You Know

    Lark: Here is your grade on the Economics I.Q. test---- 0

    I suggest that you study up and take it again. / You Know

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