by You Know 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    Jesus pointed out the hypocrisy of those in his day whose faithlessness led them to become intransigent in the face of Jesus' credentials as the Messiah and all that that entailed as to Jehovah's judgments. Likewise, the prophets indicate that ridiculers and apostates will proclaim themselves to be unconvinced concerning the evidence of Christ presence and impending judgment of this system. Jesus' rebuke is equally applicable today, where he acknowledged that his generation was expert in using their powers of reason to interpret the changing clouds and winds to accurately predict the next day's weather, and yet Jesus said of them: "Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and sky. How is it that you don't know how to interpret this present time?" (NIV)

    How well that describes the mentality of apostates in particular, who know better than the average person, or at least they should, just what the prophecies foretell as a sign of Christ's presence and the end of this system. Even some of the sons of this system of things, as Jesus called them, have a sense that the system is doomed. As an example are those who are not blinded by Wall Street Journal delusions, who know how the financial system really works, or doesn't work, as the case may be; these recognize that an enormous disaster is not only inevitable---but imminent. The apostate, of course, parrots the establishment's line that nothing out of the ordinary is taking place; that any financial downturn is only a cyclical correction and not a systemic catastrophe, as only lunatics supposedly believe. So, there are two versions of reality. Only one can be real. The other is a lie. And the real version of reality is what will determine the destiny of the world.

    Jehovah long ago foretold that this system would fail so completely that it would seem as if the very luminaries of the heavens plunged into eclipse. The apostate says: 'that that will never happen.' Jehovah's word says that when the system fails that they will throw their money into the street like so much worthless confetti. The apostate says: 'that will never happen.' Yet, even some of the sons of this system of things, whom Jesus said were wiser than the sons of the kingdom in practical money matters, these too can get some sense of what is actually happening, and about to occur, and fear that the dollar is doomed, and that because of that, their world is going to fail. The blustering apostate says: 'That will never happen.'

    At the present moment, some estimate that because the floating exchange system has been massively manipulated, that the dollar is overvalued by about 65%! Some might imagine that a market "correction" would bring it back in line with other currencies. That is not possible. The reason that that is not possible is because of the 10's of trillions of dollars of derivatives tied to the value of currencies and interest rates. J.P. Morgan Chase, for example, has derivative positions of $25,000,000,000,000! Any sudden change in that equilibrium and the banking system gets obliterated. There is no way to unwind such massive positions when the dollar starts to fall. Of, course, a sudden and violent shift is all but inevitable and only awaits the next erupting world crisis---or at the very latest---when Jehovah rocks the nations one last time. The apostate smugly snorts: 'That will never happen.'

    Get ready to rock! / You Know

    Dollar doom looming>>>>>CLICK HERE>>>>>> http://www.gold-eagle.com/gold_digest_01/taylor052901.html

  • Fredhall

    You Know,

    Since money and apostates are doomed, then I think we should put apostate's picture on the bills. This is how it should be:

    1. Farkel on One Dollar Bill

    2. AlanF on Five Dollar Bill

    3. Amazing on 10 Dollar Bill

    4. JAVA on 20 Dollar Bill

    5. James Penton on 50 Dollar Bill

    6. Ray Franz on 100 Dollar Bill

    Pretty soon we will be using this bills for toiletpaper.

  • philo

    That was funny.

    >>The apostate, of course, parrots the establishment's line that nothing out of the ordinary is taking place;

    What do you mean by 'the establishment'? And in what way are you not parroting the WT establishment's line?


  • philo


    >>Pretty soon we will be using this bills for toiletpaper.

    Looks like you got your eyes on the prize already. While other JWs are dreaming about giving bible characters a bible study, (and teaching Lot to leave his daughters alone) you envision the above! Keep thinking like that and you're sure to get through Armageddon.

    Fred and YK: Scratch 'n Sniff



  • You Know
    You Know
    What do you mean by 'the establishment'? And in what way are you not parroting the WT establishment's line?

    What I mean by "establishment" are of course the governemt issued statements and policies and primarily the pop media news outlets like CNN, TIME, MSNBE, ABC,CBS,NBC, THE NY TIMES, NEWSWEEK. They all are basically cookie-cutter follow-the-leader media outlets that serve as the means to shape public opinion. In reality they serve as a sophisticated propaganda apparatus of the ruling oligarchy. The fact is, that major media are owned and controlled by a relative handful of men, which of course gives them extrodinary powers. As far as my parroting the Watchtower line, I am routinely accused by apostates of NOT parroting the WT line. Which is it? / You Know

  • expatbrit
  • hawkaw

    You are talking to people in Canada who have been using a "doomed" dollar for sometime but are doing quite well.


  • logical

    You Know

    I know you are onto something.

  • larc

    You Know,

    You like the word "imminent". Could you quantify that for us?

    What will you do when all money is worthless?

  • Cygnus

    Of course I believe the end of this system is imminent. . . The onrushing global financial collapse is certain to provide the necessary spark to detonate an earth wide explosion; which, in the coming days and weeks of 1998, (probably an 'October suprise' since you have asked me to be specific) will rock the present political order off its foundation, and usher in the necessary circumstances which will result in a final confrontation with Jehovah. The exact duration of the tribulation is still an open question. It is however, not inconceivable that the events which we will recognize as the tribulation may perhaps spill over into the 21st century.

    It is my biblically based opinion that the Watchtower is going to be silenced by the worldwide catastrophe brought on by Y2K. From my extensive research it seems to me that this will be the means by which Jehovah concludes the preaching of the good news that he has sponsored.

    So, while it is naive to think the world is simply going to go belly up at the stroke of midnight come triple zeros, it is also equally ludicrous to imagine that the world is somehow going to waltz through the minefield of Y2K without disaster.

    For those of us who have been on the look-out for Jehovah's year of retribution, the coming year has never looked more "promising." Unless of course you discount the ominously looming catastrophe called Y2K; which I am sure you have done---in keeping with the ridiculer's delusion, "that all things are continuing exactly as from creation's beginning."

    I think it is pretty plain in my post that I think Y2K is going to be it. While I recognized some time ago that a financial collapse would probably be the catalyst that makes the UN more prominent in world affairs, thus positioning it to do the deed. For the last year I have pointed to the Y2K computer problem for the simple reason that the highly complex financial system cannot survive unless the computers stay up---all of them throughout the entire world. . . What must be remembered is that Y2K is a year, not a day. Problems will simply be multiplied during the coming days and months until the breaking point is reached. So while it is fairly easy to say that the present system will fail to run the gauntlet of the entire year, it is impossible to pin-point just exactly when Jehovah's day will over-take them.

    Get back with me in a couple of months, we'll see if you are still bragging about your portfolio then.

    Whether you realize it or not, you too have made a prediction as regards the future; you have "hitched your wagon," so-to-speak, to this system in the hope that everything will be fine. Such cocksureness in the face of contrary reality reminds me of the folks who thought the Titanic was unsinkable.

    Why is it so unbelievable that this could be the end? Is it because the Watchtower hasn't told you that it is the end?

    New York City, for example, was assessed by a Navy report because they were concerned about the military facilities there. The report said there was a high likelihood that the water and sewer systems in that gigantic city were going to fail. So what happens when you turn the water off to a city of 8 million people, which also happens to be one of the world's main financial centers? (Not to mention the headquarters for Jehovah's organization.) Do you think Wall Street traders will be going to work? Do you think they will leave billions of dollars lying on the table when they are forced to flee Manhattan?

    There are just so many things that can go wrong---that will go wrong---that it is really short-sighted to focus on one little aspect of such an enormous problem and say: 'Well, OUR computers are okay.

    Y2K is such an absolutely perfect ending for this system of things. It will bring total humiliation upon the techno-gods and all of their worshippers. It will be an especially humiliating experience for those who at one time actually know Jehovah but who allowed themselves to be seduced into sprawling prostrate before the phony techo-gods.

    The beauty of the coming Y2K is that it will settle this whole deal. It can't be postponed. You have made your predictions, I have my expectations. "In just a little while longer" the questions of who's right and who's wrong will be settled.

    (Past quotes from the LaRouche disciple himself)

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