I Am Officially Apostate!

by shamus 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nosferatu

    Shamus, now you have to go out, get a drug addiction, become an alcoholic, and get 15 women pregnant with your children. They need their rumors to become facts.

  • shamus


    I am sticking my arm with a needle as I type this..... not an easy feat! (just kidding)

    Thanks everyone! I am going to worship satan right now... LOL!

    Jeez, you can't even talk about Vicki without being apostate! What a bunch of dorks.

  • Odrade

    Good for you sending the info about Vicki to everyone you know. What an honorable way to get out of that ******* cult.

    I just heard some more stories today... not sure how long I can keep doing this "fade."


  • onacruse

    shamus, that took a lot of guts, man, and a measure of how you're actually changing in response to "the truth you've learned about the troof." More power to ya!

    ***waiting for the nude pics...

    Well, I don't ordinarily send my pic to guys, but, if you insist...



    WooHoo!!! Shamus!!!

    Please fully welcome me into your fold.

    Welcome! ... Unofficially or officially ... I always saw you as one of us!!! You had the "spark"!



  • core

    Any ideas on the career path for an apostate - whats the next step? a moderator on this board? Simon just qualified for his MCAD and you got the IAOA - will you be putting that on your CV - ?

    btw congratulations on your new status

  • Narkissos

    Welcome Shamus to this very open club! I read your story yesterday and was deeply moved.

    When I was DFd, I remembered the story about the lunatic leaning over the wall of the asylum, calling a passerby and asking: "Are you many in here?"

    Well, we definitely are.

    Take care,


  • Brummie

    Congrats Shamus!

    look ^ I severed Onacruse hand just for you


  • TresHappy

    I am especially apostate, especially since I attended an Ex JW Convention!

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Nice going Shamus. I've been studying with them for almost two years, have no family in the borg, but I understand how hard it is to leave.

    As one guy told me, as long as you stick to your guns, you'll be fine.

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