I preached the 'truth' to an active JW, her jaw is still on the ground!

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Setfreefinally.....................I can understand why you're confused.

    • I was df'ed 5 years ago, a year after my child was sexually abused.
    • 1 year later I was reinstated.
    • last year, after seeing the 'Sunday' show and realising that there are many victims of sexual abuse and injustice in the borg, my hubby and I stopped being involved in ANY dub activities, and associating with dubs socially. FADERS since then.

    I hope that makes sense and clears things up.


  • Poztate

    Hey Bliss,

    Good for you!! Tell the real "truth" about the truth. Most people like these have a little protective bubble built up around them.Nothing can ever seem to get in to affect them.You managed to burst her bubble even if it was only for a few moments.It might make her think.

    More likely though she will have to go back for reprograming.

    I must not think for myself

    I must not think for myself

    I must not think for myself

    I must not think for myself

  • Wolfgirl

    Fantastic! You never know...you may have planted a seed. Four years ago, I never would have dreamed that I would not be a JW.

  • blondie

    Bliss, I hope it makes her think and look around at other things in the KH. In the last few years, I was amazed about the underhanded things some people at the KH were aware of, yet they continued to attend pushing that all aside. JWs live in the land of denial.


  • xjw_b12

    Excellant job Bliss. Must have felt very gratifying to get that off your chest, AND to get the reaction you did .

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Excellent Bliss

    At the very least she may be more protective of children.

    PS Keep Reading Information is Power and the ticket to freedom

  • setfreefinally

    That makes perfect sense now.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Bliss, well done! If she was at Bethel, I'll wager that the attitudes and demeanor of those elders you described, resonate with her. It's only the most myopic that can come out of the Bethel experience with their idealism intact; guaranteed, she knows -or senses-- ``the score."

  • Jim_TX


    Congrats on being able to talk to this person. If they are a 'thinker' they will start to think about not only what you have said, but other things that they have seen or heard.

    Once they have enough information... or perhaps in the process of gaining more information, they too will see the 'truth' and open their eyes.

    Castles (or Watchtowers) are built one brick at a time... and can also be destroyed the same way.


    Jim TX

  • ozziepost

    Roomie: How true! In their hearts they know.

    Bliss: Well, it's been great hearing your experience. Sorry I was late for the opening song!! You know how it is, now that we're not subject to the Borg's time schedule, we can actually enjoy the day, eh? I imagine in that sister's case, it's a matter of 'drip.......drip.....drip' but we know that a dripping tap wears away stone.

    Warmest regards to you and Mr Bliss. I feel like a shiraz coming on!

    Cheers, Ozzie

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