I am going to huck!

by joannadandy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChimChim

    Good Luck~I think you'll do great! always keep yer head up, you'll be fine

  • drwtsn32

    Good luck Jo!!! I'm sure you'll do just fine and your day will be huck-free.

  • pettygrudger

    (((Jo))) You're gonna be great. Good luck (not that you need it) and break a leg (one of theirs preferably if they give ya any grief!)

    But, if it will help, put Shep (or was it Cal) under the desk & utilize him in between class periods to help ya relax I'll send him back to u asap.

  • joannadandy

    So I get to the school...the secretary--not too helpful.

    She was talking to all her friends for ten minutes before she came to help me. They didn't have me sign in (seemed kina weird and unsafe) I thought for a second she'd never even heard of my teacher--the blank stare on her face.

    In fact a student stepped up to say, "Oh he's in class right now, I can show you were it is."

    I was nervous as heck. I didn't want to walk into the middle of the class...so I waited in the hall a few minutes trying to quell the killer butterflies.

    The bell rang and I went in and introduced myself. We talked a little. It was his prep period, so we got to chat a little. It was nice, I was at ease for the rest of the day.

    The first class was a 12th grade lit class. They are reading the Old Man and the Sea. (I have to read up to page 75 tonight to catch up...lol). They seemed kinda disinterested. I can't say I blame them. My LEAST favorite Hemingway novel. (I won't even get into the observation I made about how we always pick literature boys will enjoy and we just expect the girls to behave because that's what girls do). He seems pretty laid back and doesn't jump all over the kids. The two sleeping in the back he ignored. Gotta say I would have made the same call. Not worth the sweat to wake them up. However, his discussion style was a little dry. I am thinking because it was the first day of the readings. Hopefully it gets better tomorrow.

    The next class was 9th grade. They were everything I expected. Hyper, seemingly thick as mudd, the attention span of gnats, but you know what--I really liked their energy. And it seemed like you could joke and be a goof with them the most. At the end of the class he gave them ten minutes to visit get a head start on their homework. Two girls (who must have thought I was deaf) asked him, "Who's that?" Indicating me. (He hadn't introduced me to either class) So he said, "Well she's a student from the college and she is going to be working with us the next five weeks, I'll introduce her tomorrow". "She's in college? She looks like a senior!"


    The last class I think was my favorite. It was a speech class. And while they were all talking, it was actually about the content. I think the nature of the class lends itself to being social. That and it's 7th period. At the end of the class two girls I recognized (as what I looked like in high school) came up to me after class and asked me who I was. I talked to them a little. They seem very cool.

    So did I mention the school I am working in is my high schools old rival? Yes. The next town over from where I graduated. It's also where the local kingdom hall is located and where I came every thursday and sunday during my formative years.

    As I was driving over I was trying to picture which kids would be old enough to be in high school, and which ones would be IN school iinstead of homeschooling. It made me slightly nervous.

    As it turns out I didn't recognize anyone in those classes. But then I started to wonder. I am not disfellowshiped, but what would be protocol if you kid was in a df'd persons class? I wouldn't be shocked if some parents pulled their kid from the class.

    Just a ponderance...

    Thanks for all your words of encouragement everyone. I feel so much better at the end of my day. And Ray--was it you who predicted I would be wiped out? Yeah I totally took a big nap when I got home. I LOL! I feel much more at ease now that I know the lay of the land.

    But I shall come whine again when it's my turn to actually teach.

  • Joyzabel

    nighty night, Jojo, you did well.

    Now to open your mouth in front of the kids! lol, you'll do just fine.



  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    ((((Joanna)))) You'll be WONDERFUL!! The kids'll LOVE ya!!! No worries, sweetie....you'll be a huge success!!!

    Frannie B

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