by You Know 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF
    I was shining you on dummy.

    Lying? Hmm. To what end?

    I will never leave the truth.

    What were you doing when you told that lie?


  • You Know
    You Know
    I remember he also claims H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the guiding force behind the international drug trade.

    That's not exactly true. It is not the queen personally, that was the spin that the press put on it. Rather it was the London centered financial oligarchy and their underlings. You should get your facts straight and study a little history too. http://www.bikershome.com/~nix/current/crime_families/bronfman/bronf_1.html

    And I remember the election year when he bought an hour of prime time on a major TV network to inform America that the solution to all our political and social problems is to start a massive space program to colonize Mars. I watched that program, and it was obvious after the first five minutes that he needs major psychiatric help.

    It is not uncommon for visionaries to be called crazy by those with limited intelligence. A few decades back people would have thought the idea of going to the moon was crazy. As it turns out, the space program was the biggest economic boon the United States had ever had, it spun off many industries and greatly accelerated the development of computers. If pea-brained people would have had there way we would still be using the abacus. / You Know

  • Farkel

    : It is not uncommon for visionaries to be called crazy by those with limited intelligence.

    Yes, if they're truly visionaries. Larouche is simply crazy. There IS a difference, You Know.

    It's more common for crazy people to be called crazy by those at all levels of intelligence. I'm surprised Larouche is not on thorazine and clad with a jacket that keeps his arms permanently crossed. With a stick taped in his mouth so he won't bite his tongue off during one of is manic rants.

    But then again, you are also walking about unconstrained, so I guess I'm just asking too much.


  • logical

    You Know

    Continue worshipping your false god.

    Continue ignoring my points.

    You have ignored my questions, and simply took out the parts of my post you can attack.

    You are a lamer, a sicko, a loser. You are not a prophet, you have no love of God in you.

    You simply ignore my questions because you CANNOT answer them. If you CAN answer them, WHY DONT YOU?

    Oh, one other thing, you can only judge those who are your "brothers", "Israel". I am not a baptised Christian, I am a "gentile", a man of the nations. You cannot judge me according to scriptures, that belongs to Jah.

  • Farkel

    : I am not a baptised Christian, I am a "gentile", a man of the nations. You cannot judge me according to scriptures, that belongs to Jah.

    It doesn't matter, logical. "Jah" likes to kill everybody, too. Either way, you're toast. We're ALL toast. Anyone have any jelly?


  • logical

    I wasnt talking to you.

    and its Jam, not jelly

  • JAVA

    YK said,

    The apostate's motto is: avoid the facts at all cost.

    1914, 1918, 1919,
    Millions Now Living Will Never Die (1920),
    1925, 1975, before end of 20th century,
    read The Watchtower for upcoming dates.

    Don’t miss Jehovah Will Murder Billions

    now playing at a Kingdom Hall near you!

    (Above scene from Watchtower Society of God having humans murdered.)
    What Does God Require of Us? Lesson 5 "What Is God's Purpose for the Earth?"

    Watchtower Society WARNING: Not joining our
    sect could cause sudden DEATH!
    Have a nice day.
  • XJWBill


    ROTFLMAO!!! You guys are cracking me up! I'd write more, but I've got to go change my briefs now . . . .

    "If we all loved one another as much as we say we love God, I reckon there wouldn't be as much meanness in the world as there is."--from the movie Resurrection (1979)

  • You Know
    You Know

    To Illogical

    You have ignored my questions, and simply took out the parts of my post you can attack.

    There is no reason to answer a dumb question. You made a ridiculous statement that you thought that the Watchtower was the 2nd wildbeast in Revelation. You gave no reasons for coming to such an absurd conclusion. Why don't you explain to me how the Watchtower makes fire come down out of heaven in the sight of all mankind? If you can offer some sort of reasonable explanation I will be happy to comment on it. / You Know

  • COMF

    While you're waiting for Logical's explanation, how about addressing my questions? What purpose did you have for lying to everyone publicly, and how do you figure you can do that and then brag about it, and still "never leave the truth?"


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