Doors you were afraid to knock on

by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana
    If someone showed me their gun, I would leave too.

    Blondie!! That cracked me up!

    There was a house in Andrews, SC. It was overrun with bushes. The front porch was falling off. Everyone in the cong said that the woman who lived there was demonized. I was terrified of that house. When you walked up on the porch, you could hear her chanting and talking to herself. I cried and stood on the curb, refusing to go. My mom was furious with me. And I got all the lectures later that night about Jehovah "protecting" his servants. And I had to listen to all the stories of the missionaries who had "invisible" people walking behind them when they were in danger.

    Screw that....I was not going up on that porch!

  • ScoobySnax

    Tatiana......I would have had every faith in you to kick some demonized ass!!

  • DanTheMan

    For a number of years I attended a cong that had a lot of rural territory. So you'd have these houses with looong driveways, and you'd be driving up, and they'd be out in the yard looking at you the whole time...*shaking head* lord how I hated the d2d work.

    We also had lots of very wealthy housing developments (you should see some of the houses in New Albany, Ohio), here I was joe shmuck customer service moron by day preaching to people with 6 and 7 digit incomes on the weekends. For a person who is very conscious of social status and his own (relative) lack success in the workaday world, going d2d in such areas was hell, I would just barely knock on the doors and hope nobody was home. Most people were pretty nice, I think that at least some of them realize that a person would have to be under a lot of pressure to go knocking on doors offering Awake! magazines with cover stories of "Help for Arthritis Sufferers".

  • teenyuck

    Poor Dan! Knocking on those doors with the mags would be bad.....

    When I was going D2D, it was in the area where I went to school, so of course, the worst was going to a classmates door. If I knew it was, I would pretend to ring the bell if it were my turn....lightly push and try to make it look like I actually pushed the button.

    Of course when there was no button we were forced to knock.

    Then there were the times when the button was not pushed (when I pretended) and someone still came to the door. Oh, the horror! The householder would look at us, look at the doorbell, try the doorbell to make sure it worked and wonder aloud why it now worked when moments ago it did not.....

    I hated going door to door. I have refused all jobs as an adult that have required sales of any kind. I just don't have it in me. If I could not sell mags as a child, how could I convince an adult to purchase a product?

  • ScoobySnax

    One bloke set his dogs on us once back in the early 90's, that was a bit scary. Would love to hurry back there now in a hit an run to smack him over the head with some double-glazing literature....... the bastard.....

  • jwbot

    teenyuck: I did the same thing! I would pretend to ring the door bell...and if there was none, knock as light as possible...

  • teenyuck

    jwbot, I have had kids come to my door recently, they were girls scouts, and they did the same thing....I heard them thru the open window in my den....I heard giggling and heard them talking and never heard them ring the bell. Then I waited for the knock. It never came!

    I ended up doing what every householder did....I waited until I knew they were starting to walk away and opened the door. They were surprised! I bought some cookies and pointed out where the doorbell was....clearly in plain view. I also rang it to show them it worked. They blushed and shuffled their feet.

    I don't know why they didn't want to sell cookies. It's not like the are in a nutty cult selling bad magazines!

  • drwtsn32

    Why didn't I learn about cool tricks like pretending to ring the doorbell or lightly knocking when I was a dub? I also didn't learn the cheat-on-your-time-slip trick either.

  • Lapuce

    Well I really hated the ones that had people which I worked with as well as people I used to know, I wanted to keep low profile, no one knew at work that I was a witness except when they saw me at an assembly. Then I really did everything not to bump in them at work as I didcovered about a dozen dubs that worked where I was out of about 5000 people there...


  • Mac

    Oooooooops.......I'm sorry.....

    I thought this said knockers you were afraid to drool on.....

    I'm dyslexic and partially blind........



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