Doors you were afraid to knock on

by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • invictus

    When in service I always prayed not to get people from ortodox background - either greek or serbian. when they find out I am from those areas, they always start to yell and call me names.

    very often sisters would tell me how they got such a nice serbian/yugoslavian call and then when I go with them I get an earful and yet they are all smiley and polite with witnesses who speak english?!


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I'd rather knock on the door of a Hells Angel than of a classmate. I refused to take a classmates door and wouldn't even go down the same block if I could help it.

    Oh and I did knock on a bikers door more than once. I expected nasty comments and never got any. The chest got stared at but married elders did that back at the hall anyway.

  • minimus

    Being raised in the city, I was not all that afraid of knocking on Hell's Angels apartments. I did it often, had return visits and placed a lot of literature and I always got a good donation from them. I didn't likehouses that had vicious dogs. Those were automatic not at homes. I always figured that if a guy tried to punch me out, I could always defend myself and therefore was not afraid, but a big nasty, drooling Doberman.....

  • jwbot

    When walking on the street...I would pray to get hit by a car so I could be in the hostpital and not have to go door to about anxiety attack! But yeah I honestly would have rather been badly injured than going D2D...I was that scared! I hated working in the town my school was in, and would avoid car groups going in that direction. I would ALWAYS fake sick...but sometimes I would actually GET sick thinking about it. Funny thing is, is I can speak fine in front of large groups of people at school and I am getting better socially and I have less social anxiety attacks...It was the damn religion. heh.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Jess you'd pray to get hit by a car? Well I'm glad another prayer went unanswered. Yes I'd say you had severe anxiety. By the age I was forced to become an unbaptised publisher I had stopped praying.

    I would sometimes enjoy spending a little time with other teens in service but when I got forced to go with brother and sister anal I really hated it.

    Oh I had my watchtower presentation down pat. Wanna hear it? OK, here goes....

    "Want a magazine? It's free" Followed by a big vacuous smile. It worked most of the time.

  • jwbot

    I like that presentation Stacy...they took the mags because you are cute I assume ;)

    And yeah...that was the only time I prayed...not sure I thought it MIGHT work then when I never ever ever prayed otherwise...not even sure I thought there was a God...Just thought, if there is a God, by chance.

  • Blueblades

    orthodox jews,mafia homes,governing body.

  • Sassy

    Any door. I never enjoyed service and never got over the fear of what was behind the door. I even increased my hours and aux pioneered thinking it would make it easier. I sure do not miss it or the guilt from not going.

  • suzi_creamcheez

    There was a tenement-type bldg in the territory. It was white at one time, but caked with years of dirt and grease. The elevators didn't work, and the stairs smelled of urine. All the sisters hated going there. A lot of immigrant families lived there, including kids I went to school with. It seemed like all the men were drunks or druggies. Most of the residents had limited English, so the sermons were always short. Only a few people even bothered answering the door.

    The place got torn down and turned into condos. Thank god for gentrification.

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