JW (?) murders wife and mother-in-law

by Chevelle 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Chevelle

    According to several spanish ex-JW YouTube channels, this is a JW family... But I'm still trying to confirm...


  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Probably just another JW trying to "save" his loved ones with the twisted WT doctrine that death absolves a person of their sin debt.

  • NotFormer

    Sea Breeze, does that explanation often crop up as an officially reported aspect of such cases? Or is it common speculation by people outside the organisation?

    I don't doubt that it could be a motive in a JW who's gone nuts.

    Is the idea that death absolves a person of their sin debt discussed often enough in JW circles that it could make an impression such that an unhinged JW might decide to kill their loved ones in order to "save" them?

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze


    If you read the suicide note of the lady who murdered her whole family in Michigan a couple years ago, it is obvious she thought that she was “saving” them from a life of pain when she decided to end her own life.

    She No doubt reasoned that while she might not be resurrected, certainly her family would wake up in paradise petting panda bears and then get in line for one of those a big houses on a lake that WT prints in their literature.

    In the wacky world of watchtower wisdom, she was doing them all a favor.

    By the way, some English speaking sources are now saying these recent murders were committed by a JW elder.

    Appointed by Holy Spirit? Oh please.


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    More JW victims.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Vern on his Fixing My Faith channel just uploaded a video on this.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    'Philadelphia the City of Brotherly Love'

    6 years ago.

    “I don’t want any of the kids including yours thinking sex before marriage is okay,” Jones, a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses denomination, wrote in one text message, according to court papers."


  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    It will be interesting to see the details of this come out. JW elders are not supposed to have guns. He apparently stabbed them to death.

    Maybe the WT should ban knives as well.

    CDN media

  • Biahi

    There is so much untreated mental illness in the US, I’m sure witnesses are not immune. Unfortunately, the culture within JWs discourages anyone from getting treatment. Just more meetings, more service, more reading the publications, etc. Which helps no one, and does more harm than good.

  • Diogenesister

    According to neighbours at least the murdered mother in law (and her husband) were Jehovah's witnesses with possibly the whole family.

    Here's a video including local news reports confirming: https://youtu.be/JIZmJ_ci3kA?si=kGX-8eOTAZqrBo4a

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