Advice needed on headache and muscle pain relief

by LyinEyes 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    This week starting last Saturday, I have been having a severe migraine or tension headache. I have TMJ and Fibromyalgia,,,,,,I have been treated for all of these things.

    Right now , nothing is working, I mean nothing. I have been to the doctor twice this week, once this morning for shots of demerol and stadol. It makes me a little groggy but still the pain is there.

    I have been to neuroligist and there seems to be nothing wrong with my neck or head( lol) that they can pinpoint.

    I have taken Ativan and Tylenol 3 with no relief.

    If you have chronic pain, or get migraines, cluster headaches, whatever hurts ya, what do you take? What do you do?

    I have tried, icebags, heating pads, dark rooms, sleep, and it helps some, but I have to get up and do things too.

    Just wanted some advice on what works for others, natural remedies or medications,,,,,,,,,, I am open for suggestions in any way.

    Thanks , Dede

  • Mulan

    for some people it is a toxicity from the colon that causes these headaches................I know that sounds awful, but I recommend a good internal cleansing.

    In the meantime, large doses of B vitamins will help relieve the stress. For me, if you want to take over the counter stuff, Ibuprofen always worked better than anything else. Go to a health food store and get some Valerian Root and take what the bottle recommends.

    Drink quarts of water too. Dehydration can cause terrible headaches. Gatorade might help, if you have an electrolyte problem too, although I think Gatorade is awful stuff. For temporary relief, it could help though.

    Off the top of my head, that's what I would say. Try the first one first though.

  • maybesbabies

    Well, in the natural remedies department, I would suggest taking calcium and magnesium regularly, as they help with muscle tone and are involved in transmission of nerve impulses. Primrose oil is an anti-inflammatory and vasodilator (helps to dilate the blood vessels that normally constrict during a migraine). An herbal tea that may help is Licorice, chamomile, peppermint,valerian and white willow bark. Valerian is a natural relaxant (and the precursor to valium), and white willow bark contains salicylic acid, which is used in aspirin. I would mix 1 part licorice, valerian, and white willow bark to 3 parts chamomile and peppermint. Steep in hot, but not boiling water for 3 minutes. Feverfew may also help. A mixture of Skullcap and Valerian root is great to help you relax, and if you have difficulty sleeping. It may help to relax your knotted muscles. Hope that helps!

    (Note: Do not use licorice for more than 7 days in a row,as it can raise your blood pressure, and do not use Chamomile if you are allergic to ragweed)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Have you considered a chiropractor, reflexology or acupuncture?

  • Gadget

    When I used to get bad migraines as a teenager the only thing I found to take the edge of them was some tablets called migraleive. You get yellow and pink tablets, one colour to take straight away and the other to take every four hours. And generally I find that paracetamol has little effect as a pain killer for me, I use ibuprofen.

  • outnfree


    I get migraines and if I'm quick to recognize that one is coming on I take 1 regular size aspirin, 1 extra-strength tylenol, and drink a caffeinated beverage. This generally only works if I do it before the headache is too bad. Otherwise, I go to that dark and quiet room you mentioned and stay away from food smells.... I know it sounds too simple, but I'm allergic to codeine (so no Tylenol 3) and get nauseous with Darvocet and the like, so this is my only "trick." Unfortunately, it won't help you this time around.

    I am sorry you suffer from fibromyalgia and TMJ. My mother has both of those problems, too, and finds the fibromyalgia debilitating when it is in a flare. I assume you already have a mouthpiece for the TMJ? If not, check with your dentist and s/he can fit you with one. Grinding your teeth cannot help the tension all over your head and neck, that's for sure!

    Hope you feel better soon, honey!


  • caligirl

    I'm so sorry you are having these headaches! I get migraines as well, although not as often as I used to. What worked for me was a medication called Maxalt. It is a tiny little pill, but it was a little wonder drug. Expensive if you don't have insurance (about $23 a pop and they come in a package of 6) But it worked, and kept me functional. It would usually make it better within an hour. The migraines I got made every movement excruciating, so I would lay in a dark room with an icepack over my eyes and on the back of my neck. I never did find a natural remedy that would take away the pain completely. Until someone told me about Maxalt, I just suffered through them with the dark room & icepack method.

  • ikhandi

    I am sorry you are not feeling well. Did your doctor rule out a trapped nerve? Reason I ask is because You can easily get a headache from nerves becoming trapped or impinged in your neck or at the base of your skull. I treated conditions like this in the past. It sounds more like a musculoskeletal problem. You may want to get an evaluation from a physical therapist as they are many treatment modalities that may help you if your problems persist.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Dede, bless your heart. I'm so sorry to hear this.

    It's not much help but when I get migraines they are always tension related and I just take a dose of Flexeril which is a muscle relaxant. I don't know if that will help you in your situation or not but it's all I've got to offer. Big hugs to you sweetie.

    Be well,


  • WildHorses

    Dede, I get migraines also and have been prescribed Midran(sp) before for it and it never helped. The only thing that get's rid of mine, beleive it or not, is BC Arthritis strength. If I take it as soon as I get the blury eyes I never get the pain.

    BigTex, I'll have to try that next time I get a migraine. My Dr prescribed Flexeril for my back pain.

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