Poopie has a thought what do you think child molestation

by poopie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopie

    I'm just trying to figure how to reach a conclusion that does not harm victims

  • poopie

    You know many clergy hide behind the clergy pentinent privilege.

  • poopie
    What about an announcement that reads without mentioning names that a person in this congregation has been accused of child molestation but the cong has no proof it's just an accusation that is being looked into
  • poopie

    But we will keep the church informed

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    someone is off their meds again

  • poopie

    Thank you for your thoughts have nice day

  • sparrowdown

    First off I would like to say how sorry I am for you, your siblings and your family poopie.

    To answer your other question I believe strongly that there is zero moral justification of so-called "clergy confessional privilege" in cases of child abuse.

    I also believe the JWs cannot use "clergy privilege" to hide behind simply because they discuss the matter amongst other elders, the Branch, possibly the CO and others so confidentiality has been breached from the getgo.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    The matter should be reported to the police immediately for proper and professional investigation. The result of the police investigation will then determine whether or not the elder should be DFd. He should not continue serving as elder while the allegation is hanging over him and the police are investigating. Reporting to the police should be mandatory and should be the first step.

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    "No reporting countries or states."

    Whether or not local law mandates reporting is irrelevant! The church, if it is any truly righteous church that cares for its children, should have a policy of mandatory reporting of all allegations of pedophilia to the police, whether or not local law mandates reporting.

    Only a callous and irresponsible church would use the absence of mandatory reporting laws as an excuse to not do the right thing by reporting the matter to the police. A church shouldn't need laws to force it to do the right thing. It should be morally sensitive enough to do the right thing without requiring secular laws to force it to do the right thing.

    Any religion that refuses to report allegations of pedophilia to the police because local law does not mandate reporting, is a wicked church that cares more about its image than the welfare of its most vulnerable parishioners.

  • Simon

    The local congregation and the WTS (remotely?!) lack completely the skills and capability to properly investigate a CRIME.

    We're not in the desert 2,000 years ago where it's about people are stealing goats. This is real life, where there are real laws to protect real people. Any accusation of a serious crime should be investigated by those with training and resources to do it properly and not jeopardize any possible future legal action.

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