Da Vinci Code--Anyone Read It?

by patio34 36 Replies latest social entertainment

  • patio34

    Hi Nina, a couple of people have recommended his earlier book Angels and Demons. I think i'll give that a try too.

    I hope you enjoy it Mike and Mulan.


  • waiting

    As you well know..............my kids were here yesterday. And we ALL agreed, Da Vinci Code is on our list now! Except for my middle child, (who's always contrary for the hell of it.)

    Was nice talking with you! Will be talking with you when you come! Well, I'll come too, eh?

    Lol........we'll ALL be coming. Except Joy & Steve - who, alas, won't be able to come because they'lll already be.

    "o, pull up, waiting!"

  • Mulan

    I just finished reading it. I was so mad last night that I couldn't stay awake to finish it. I read it in two days, and could have read it faster if I didn't have anything else to do. Man, what a book. It's the best one I've read in years.

    I read The Christ Conspiracy last winter and The Mists of Avalon this summer and both meld well with this book. I'm glad I had the background of The Christ Conspiracy because it all sounded so much more plausible.

    I've done a bit of research on the internet about his theories and they are pretty well known.

    Spoiler if you haven't read it - below this line.

    Here is a pretty good link to the Da Vinci painting about Mary (or was it John?) http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/504271_john.html It sure looks like a woman to me.

    Here is the link to Madonna of the Rocks http://www.artchive.com/artchive/L/leonardo/leonardo_virgin.jpg.html Click on Image Viewer for a larger view.

    Here is The Last Supper full view. http://ramon_k_jusino.tripod.com/images/lastsupp_large.jpg

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I was intrigued by the gesture Peter was making, i.e. the hand to the throat. Also I never noticed the knife before. Who is holding the knife, and why?

    I don't know if I buy the theory, but it is interesting and well thought out.

  • DevonMcBride

    I read the Christ Conspiracy last Spring. I'm just finishing up Forgery In Christianity by Joseph Wheless. He is quoted frequently in the Christ Conspiracy and other books.

  • Mulan
    Forgery In Christianity by Joseph Wheless

    I have that book, but it is so old that I quit reading. Too many things learned since it was written. It reminded me a little of The Age of Reason written in the 1700's.............interesting reading, but since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, much of it is already passe`.

    I may dig it out and try it again though.

  • DevonMcBride

    I also read the book Who Wrote The Gospels? b y Randel McCraw Helms. It's a little biased but has some good reading.


  • VeniceIT

    I just finished the book a few days ago and WOW it was incredible. It was so fascinating I didn't want to put it down.


    I think it's so interesting that the ideas in the book all sound so strange to us, it's rather 'unbelivable'. An yet when you think about it, it makes a hell of a lot more sense then the common teaching of Jesus Christ. I mean we find it so hard to belive he was 'a human, fell in love, got married, had kids, died.' As apposed to being the 'Son of God?,(or God himself?), born of a virgin?, preformed miricles, raised the dead, cast out demons, came back to life, floated up to heaven, and waited until Russel and his croneys got their dates all straightened out so could finnaly 'stand up' even though he'd been standing for nearly 2000 years. HAHAHAHHA I mean sheesh which one sounds crazy to you?????

    I'm not sure what I belive but I have to admit the whole Mary and the Grail thing makes 1000 times more sense then christianity as we see it today.


  • patio34

    Thanks Milan for those links-they're great! But i don't see how, by any stretch of the imagination, that figure could be of a male (the one in the Last Supper). It's clearly a femme.

    I just finished Angels and Demons by Dan Brown also. It's almost better even! Lots of info about the Illumati, the Masons, and even our $1 bills!


  • Mulan
    I'm not sure what I belive but I have to admit the whole Mary and the Grail thing makes 1000 times more sense then christianity as we see it today.

    Ven, I totally agree with this statement. Nice to see you posting again.

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