Da Vinci Code--Anyone Read It?

by patio34 36 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    By the way, I've just started another book of his entitled, "Angels and Demons". It's about the Illumanati and the Catholic Church.

  • waiting
    There's also a great line in the book: A gentleman never deprives a lady of a climax. - pat

    The response.

    We can talk about that when you come, Patio! -j2bf

    Yes, my mind is in the gutter, thank you.


  • patio34

    ROFLMBO -------------> Waiting!!

    What a picture that brings to mind! That's in case we run out of things to talk about....Oh, pull up, Pat!


  • waiting
    ....Oh, pull up, Pat!

    Did you learn that saying in Europe? Translation, please?


    ps: we have SO much to talk about!

  • patio34

    oh, oh, just thought of another way to view that.....

  • patio34

    Just saw your post, Waiting. "pull up" is something my boss has said for years, which means something like "retreat!" "fall back" "SHUT UP!"

    We do have a lot to catch up on, sis. Maybe we can talk on the phone tomorrow. I'm headed out for my new gym right now--well, trial membership but i think i'll join.


  • TheSilence

    hmmm... I don't think it talked about it a great deal... but I thought it had addressed it at some point or made reference to it in some way. Me thinks I shall have to reread the book a bit sooner than I had planned to ;)


  • Mulan

    I have it ordered. Should be here anyday now.

  • Bendrr

    I've seen it on the best seller list for some time now and was thinking of getting it, now I know I'm going to buy it.

    I just finished "The Last Jihad" so now I need something to read while waiting for the sequel "The Last Days" to come out. Has anyone read "The Last Jihad"? That was a pretty good book. (not trying to hijack the thread, just wanted to mention another good book)

    In his new monthly column for Entertainment Weekly, Stephen King took a huge shit all over the bestseller The DaVinci Code. Now the book is being turned into a movie, written by Akiva Goldsman and directed by Ron Howard. A movie that will probably be better than about 90% of Stephen King movies.

    Lots of movies are better than 90% of King's movies. Much as I like Steven King, the movies just don't do justice to his books. Except for maybe "The Green Mile" and "The Shawshank Redemption", and I guess "Pet Sematary" was decent.


  • cruzanheart

    Read it, loved it, didn't want it to end. "Angels & Demons" is excellent too -- endings aren't Mr. Brown's best thing, but it's an exciting read!


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