Will I be disfellowshippwd

by Sydney 42 Replies latest social relationships

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    slept with my bf who is of the world. I am pregnant from this. I don't know how the elders will deal with it. Is there any way that I could just anul m baptism or something I got baptized 2 weeks ago btw.

    so you were pregnant when you got baptised ? Maybe be better if you had waited a while.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Hi Sydney,

    Do you have family members in the religion?

    Do you love your boyfriend and does he love you? Is he willing and able to support you and your child?

  • Jeffro

    The advice offered by Elena is not good advice, and is a misinterpretation of recent changes to disfellowshipping. There is no evidence that it is 'as simple as just saying sorry'. This is especially the case if you raise requestions about JW doctrines, which could have them label you as an 'apostate'. But even aside from that, your 'repentance' would also be based on whether you continue the relationship with the 'worldly' person.

    It is also not the case that there is only 'soft shunning' for disfellowshipped individuals (and no change indicated for any who disassociate or are deemed by the elders to have 'disassociated by their actions'), unless you consider communication limited to inviting you to the meeting or to greet you at the meeting to be normal social interaction.

  • peacefulpete

    Seriously ask what is really important to you. Your new love and the one way, or a church that you already recognize as judgmental and cold.

  • Jeffro


    Y'all I am an unmedicated bipolar. I had a mania streak and slept with my bf who is of the world. I am pregnant from this. I don't know how the elders will deal with it. Is there any way that I could just anul m baptism or something I got baptized 2 weeks ago btw.

    Based on the timeline, you became pregnant prior to baptism, suggesting you either knew you were pregnant when you were baptised, or at least knew that it was a possibility. If it were not disclosed to 'elders' that you were engaged in sexual activity with someone not your husband, this would also affect the elders' decision in determining the sincerity of repentance.

  • Sydney

    Hello everyone I had sex with my 'worldly' bf 7 days ago. It was after I was baptized. I went and talked to the elders and they said they won't do anything but they are setting up a panel for me of three elders.

  • Walter

    Please do not try to make important decisions while being mentally unstable. Try to sort things out: What do you really want?

    Do you want to continue your relationship with your boyfriend? (And does your friend want to continue relationship although you are pregnant?) If so, it will be hardly possible for you to repent having slept with him.

    Do you want to keep being a JW? Elders won't disfellowship you if they are convinced that you do repent your sin, especially if they are convinced that you were not fully responsible for your actions because of your bipolar disorder.

    Do you neither want to be a JW, nor want to be disfellowshipped? Annulation of baptism may be possible if elders are convinced that you did have a sexual relationship with your boyfriend continuously in the weeks and days before AND after baptism. It may help if they are convinced that you were not fully responsible for your baptism because of your bipolar disorder. (Addendum, based on your update: There is no chance to annulate baptism if sin was not immediately before baptism, but only after baptism.)

  • Jeffro


    Hello everyone I had sex with my 'worldly' bf 7 days ago. It was after I was baptized. I went and talked to the elders and they said they won't do anything but they are setting up a panel for me of three elders.

    You may well have had sex after you were baptised as well, but the events described indicate you more likely became pregnant prior to baptism.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    I think Sydney has been on here before.

  • Elena
    Hello everyone I had sex with my 'worldly' bf 7 days ago. It was after I was baptized. I went and talked to the elders and they said they won't do anything but they are setting up a panel for me of three elders.

    Yes the new way is three elders. All you have to do is say you are sorry and won’t do it again

    I do hope you haven’t told anyone you think you are pregnant? Don’t tell the elders that until you start to show even then hide as long as you can with loose clothes.

    the larger question is are you going to stay with your BF? Move in together? If so are you going to get married?

    the elders will find it hard to believe you are not sleeping together

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