Dear Apostates, just suppose....

by TheApostleAK 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • rutht

    That would explain a lot. All this time I thought humans were screwed up, come to find out God is f++king nuts.

  • TheApostleAK
    hmmmm... I guess the question everyone would love to see answered, AK, is why you, or any reasonable person, would believe the bible has anything to do with the creator.

    Why? Cos its God's word that's why!

    Instead of boisterously displaying your gargantuan faith, why not tell us a your good reasons for having any such faith in the first place?

    Who need's reasons??

    What evidence is there that the Bible came from God?

    Everything from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.

    Is your "faith" in the bible, or in the Creator?


    Why would the Creator care if someone follows the bible or not?

    Because it show's who's side (s)he is on, God's or Satan's in the great issue.

    SPEAK MAN!!!!! 'cuz frankly, I think I speak for every ex-jw when I say we are all weary from BULLSH*T. Theirs, yours, or anyones.

    You sound confused? What do you expect when you hang around apostates too long.


    This message has been brought to you by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    "Who need's reasons??"


    Rational humans need reasons, fella. Sheep follow blindly. Are you a man or a herd animal?

  • wannahelp

    Hi ApostleAK,

    Just had to respond here on this thread..

    Doesn't it state in the bible that you are personally accountable to God/Jesus on Judgement day?

    Are you being personally responsible, or are you allowing the men in Brooklyn to be responsible for you? And what if they are wrong?

    If you are an active witness, you must go door knocking.. And if you do, I'm sure you've heard of some of the error's the GB have made in the past..

    Just suppose for a second that you are worng, and that your organization is NOT the truth.. I wonder what you will say when asked on Judgement day, "You were given ample reason to at least question your religion, yet you choose to keep a blind eye, and give up your personal responsibilty to some group of men who call themselves the GB. People I don't even know, and I don't know you either.. I sent you many warnings.. Every person that brought up questions in your field service were sent by me so you would open your mind, and begin thinking for yourself.. But you dutifully ignored all my attempts to reach you.. Get away from me"

    Hmm, ever given that some thought AK?

    And remember, I'm not an apostate.. I believe in god, and I've never been a JW (Baptized or not)!!! I'm sure the GB will come up with a term for me, if there isn't already one, however!!!

  • SanFranciscoJim
    "Just making this warning so you can't complain to Jehovah God when his "fear-inspiring day" (Joel 2:11) comes that you weren't told."

    ApostleAK, some of us view as "fear-inspiring", not the Day of Judgement, but the thought of spending eternity with the likes of self-righteous, pompous, holier-than-thou Jehovah's Witnesses. While I personally do not find the idea of immortality without appeal, I would think it only fair that I be given a say in whom I may spend the rest of forever with.

  • COMF
    This message has been brought to you by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

    Hmm... you may be right about that, after all, now that I think about it.


  • SixofNine

    Just a note to those following this; I don't think AK is a witness anymore. (not sure you ever where one?)

    The only real confusion anyone could pull out of my post, AK, is my questions, which you did nothing to answer in an intelligent way. So yeah, I'm still weary of BULLSH*T (your word), and confused as to how someone who can string a sentence together, can be enamored by BULLSH*T.

    Is it just foolish pride? A hatred for admitting you have been wrong all your life? If so, just let go. It is painless and rewarding.

    Conversely, prove you are right. That would be rewarding as well, I'm sure.

    Or, continue as you are, with your post and beliefs, etc. But, that will be eternally painful, at least on a discussion board, because people will be forever calling you on this....this...stuff you call faith and so highly exalt.

  • kes152

    Hello ApostleAK,

    My Lord has "condescended" to answer your 'warning' of vessels "made fit for destruction."

    He said:

    "Which vessels did I say were ones made fit for destruction? Were they not the ONES who have "massed together as ONE, against my Father Jah, and against his Anointed?

    Tell me, WHERE does it say, "against my Father, Jah, against his anointed, and against his organization?"

    It was indeed THESE vessels that are "made fit for destruction" and it is THESE vessels that have "massed together as one, against my Father and his anointed.

    When I was inthe flesh, tell me, who REALLY massed together against me? Was it the political kings of the earth. Did Pilate TRULY hate me, although he sought on many occaisions to "set me free?" Or was it the Jewish RELIGIOUS leaders that incited the Jews to have me "put to death?"

    And who was it that were "filled" wth jealousy when my apostles were bearing witness about me? Was it the Roman governers, or was it the RELIGIOUS rulers ('kings') who were losing people because many were coming to me?"

    Acts 5:17, 18

    Peace to you, the household of God

  • kes152

    It's provable from the Bible that all of those aren't Jehovah God's true organisation.

    What NEED does God have for an "earthly organization?"

    Is the "kingdom of the heavens" that was powerful enough to cast out the Adversary not "good" enough, that God would NEED something "earthly?"

    Have you forgotten that anything that is "earthly" is also equivalently "animal, and DEMONIC?"

    James 3:15

    Thus, if you have an "earthly" organization, you likewise have a "demonic" organization.

    This is why the "earthly "temple" was destroyed and God sought NO PLACE for a "new" one. He wanted to dwell WITHIN his people and make "them" his "temple." A BETTER resting place for Jah.


  • wannahelp

    Just a few more comments to add to this thread:

    Why would God need an organization full of fallable humans to spread his infallable word? I've always wondered about that? Can any JW answer that for me?

    God always has called upon his people individually to use for his purposes (Moses, Noah, etc).. So, now why does he not speak directly to humans any longer, but only through a fallable group that is located in Ny, USA? More to the point, since he has always called upon his people, unless you show me proof that he no longer does that, my only conclusion is that he is still doing that. And if he still is calling upon individuals to use for his purposes, you and your organization have no knowledge of it because you are not his chosen people, and thus he doesn't call on any of you...

    Finally, why does your organization act with such hypocrisy with reguards to their fallability? Anyone on the "outside" who asks a JW about errors the GB have made gets the standard response, "We are all humans, and thus fallable".. But, if anyone on the inside were to question any of those same errors, the GB threatens disfellowship.. Double standards? Doesn't Jehovah detest double standards, and hyposcrisy?

    Oh, and just to add to KES152's comments: Here is James 3:13 - 3:18 from the Revised Standard Version of the bible (so we can read it in context)..

    (13) Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good life let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. (14) But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. (15) This wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. (16) For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. (17) But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty or insincerity. (18) And the harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

    The answer I always get from JW's about the GB's false prophocies is "they are human, and thus fallable, and in their eagerness for Jehovah to bring in the new system of things, they predicted dates that turned out to be incorrect." -- their Eagerness = self Ambition = "earthly wisdom" = disorder and every vile practice...

    I'd also like to see just one JW that was open to reason, let alone a "meek" elder...!!!!

    Of course, even though you say you go by the bible and bible alone, when presented evidence contrary to the GB, you will ignore the bible and side with the GB.. Just remember, when your judgement day comes, and you are asked for a perosnal account of your actions, remember that the lord gave you many opportunties to see the error's, but you chose to ignore them..

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