Dear Apostates, just suppose....

by TheApostleAK 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheApostleAK

    ...that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society really is Jehovah God's earthly organisation...

    Wouldn't that make YOU all "vessels made fit for destruction" (Romans 9:22 - 24) by being opposers of Jehovah God and his true organisation?

    Just making this warning so you can't complain to Jehovah God when his "fear-inspiring day" (Joel 2:11) comes that you weren't told.

    This message has been brought to you by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

  • hawkaw

    Whew, I am glad it was brought to me by the "New York" company. If it was that Pennsylvania company or that front company called CO HI (?) out of Delaware, I would have been worried.


  • expatbrit


    Have you asked yourself that question about the Mormons, Moonies, Baptists, Presbyterians, Adventists, Catholics, etc etc etc?


  • TheApostleAK

    Expatbrit: Yes I have BTW. It's provable from the Bible that all of those aren't Jehovah God's true organisation.

    Mormons: They ripped off my Grandfather....enough said.
    Moonies: Haven't they got a church at Maslins Beach?
    Baptists: F*cking hell...
    Presbyterians: Been through that...
    Adventists: "But I like working on the sabbath..."
    Catholics: "Little children, flee from idolatry".


    This message has been brought to you by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

  • Enlighted UK
    Enlighted UK

    To ApostleAK

    Remember all those WT articles - dismissing other religious leaders because they lie to their congregations - can't get it right, congregation numbers falling?

    The WTB&TS have been prophesying about the end of the world since 1874 - trouble is they keep coming up with different dates. If they are God's org on earth and the faithful and discreet slave, they would get it right the first time.

    If you ordered a vacuum cleaner from a company - they said we'll deliver it on the 1st, no the 5th, no the 11th, no the 17th, and you never receive you order. You'd jump up and down right??

    That is exactly what we are doing - because the WTB&TS are messing with peoples lives - not just their vacuum cleaners.

    Enjoy your life - it is the only one you'll have.

  • expatbrit


    Good. Those of us who were JW's (some for several decades) have reached the same conclusion about the WTB&T Society after our own investigations.

    Some of us reached a similar conclusion about the bible itself.

    Just suppose it's possible that apostates are not God-haters or opposers, deserving of destruction simply because they do not follow the direction of the WTB&T Society.


  • TheApostleAK
    Just suppose it's possible that apostates are not God-haters or opposers, deserving of destruction simply because they do not follow the direction of the WTB&T Society.

    I don't personally believe that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones saved BTW....I believe that the Bible is God's word and anyone following it to the best of their ability will be saved.

    I've just read a few old posts and a few postings have just pushed me over the edge.....


    This message has been brought to you by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

  • Gopher

    Hey ApostleAK,

    I was going to jump in earlier and say "I KNEW you were kidding!"

    But I too have had instances where some posts just "got" to me and I posted, well, emotionally. But once it's out there, people respond!

    You said.

    I believe that the Bible is God's word and anyone following it to the best of their ability will be saved.
    Even that may be too high a standard. We will never consistently reach the "best of our ability". But we can have our heart in it, and ultimately, it's by what we are at heart that will be the standard by which we are measured.


  • TheApostleAK

    Gopher: This post I read was the mother of all whoppers. As soon as I read it, i said "BULLSH*T!".


    This message has been brought to you by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

  • SixofNine

    hmmmm... I guess the question everyone would love to see answered, AK, is why you, or any reasonable person, would believe the bible has anything to do with the creator.

    Instead of boisterously displaying your gargantuan faith, why not tell us a your good reasons for having any such faith in the first place? How does your faith differ from superstition? What evidence is there that the Bible came from God? There must be something tangible? Intangible? Is your "faith" in the bible, or in the Creator? Why is faith a postive word? Why is your "faith" not dangerous, but a JW's faith is? Why would the Creator care if someone follows the bible or not? It has some pretty harsh messages, no matter what your own mind has rationalized.

    I believed it for my entire life. It looks like I was wrong. My reasons for belief were understandable, but they were not good.

    SPEAK MAN!!!!! 'cuz frankly, I think I speak for every ex-jw when I say we are all weary from BULLSH*T. Theirs, yours, or anyones.

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