Self Driving Vehicles

by TD 21 Replies latest social current

  • TD

    I was so stoked about the whole idea a few years ago, but am having serious misgivings at this point.

    What are your experiences / impressions / opinions?

  • Finkelstein

    Been terrible accidents with these vehicles, so I would say the mechanisms and concept is far from being safe and practical.

  • DNCall

    Julius Graham's take. (He is a former JW.)

  • caves

    Car automated system: "Sir, we will not be able to park in the spot you requested due to spacing of the vehicles in front and behind."

    Me: "Do it anyway, there will be a 2 ft space in the front and a 2 ft space in the rear."

    Car automated system: "I'm sorry Sir, but I cannot allow this maneuver. The local jurisdiction says a vehicle must be at least 2 1/2 feet away from other vehicles while parked."

    Me: Hits manual over ride and parks my car the way I want.


    Me: "Auto car, see that street cart at the next corner? Please run over the cart."

    Car automated system: "Sir that maneuver is not legal."

    Me: Hits manual over ride and wipes out the brochure cart on my next right turn. LOL


    Me: "Auto car, turn into MacDonald's 1 block ahead."

    Car automated system: "Sir your diet app says you have already exceeded your daily intake of calories today. I will pull into Jamba Juice instead, so that you my have a smoothie."

    Me: "Never mind Auto car, Pull into the next junk yard." (Drops off car and walks to nearest Chevy dealership and buys a pickup.

  • Simon

    It's all BS - the whole AI movement has been hyped beyond all sense, computers just don't have intelligence and anyone claiming they do is a fraud (usually because it helps to attract investor money). They do pattern matching well ... sometimes ... which can give the appearance of intelligence, I guess until they match photos of black people with gorillas, which is a giveaway that they have zero real intelligence.

    The only reason there aren't more stories of Teslas ploughing into parked cars is because Elon Musk can't do basic mass production. Did anyone see the video of the "summon" feature and the Tesla just pulling out in front of other vehicles? People are fools, because anything that happens is their fault, not Teslas, which shows the lack of faith Teslas has in their product.

    I think they have some value for things like automatic braking and lane deviation alerts, but only as things to augment regular driving.

  • TD

    I completely agree Simon. These vehicles do okay with "Red means stop" and "Green means go," but they lack the judgment a human would have on the finer points of traffic law.

    I don't think we're anywhere near a true self-driving vehicle.

  • tiki

    No thank you....

  • waton

    the fun thing in life is to be in control. absolute control like turning the world upside down in an aerobatic aircraft. driving is one of the real pleasures, who wants to miss it for staring at your i-phone, while you are being driven -- nuts.

    I wish tesla's self driving/ landing rockets well, but personal cars? miscalculation. imho

  • smiddy3

    No way I would trust that with my life .And that`s what your doing with SDV

  • Tameria2001

    I have no desire to ever be inside a car that drives itself.

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