If you saw a governing body member being pummeled would you help them?

by Tenacious 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tenacious

    Before you answer;

    Think about how they could care less how many families are broken up just to retain their power.

    How they could care less if members are driven to suicide because of the deep programming and severe depression or strained family situations.

    How they would rather let members die in order to retain their power and refuse to acknowledge their faulty bible reasoning regarding blood.

    I could go on and on and on. Needless to say, they are guilty of all of these things. Yet . . . . viewing them from the humane point of view, I hate to say it, and regardless of what I may have said in my previous postings, I would intervene and help them.

    Many of you would probably view me as stupid or idiotic but in my thinking only God should judge a man. And since I know many of you no longer believe in a "sky guy" (yes, I made that up just now LOL) I feel that they should be judged by men in a court of law.

    I got to thinking about this when as I saw the movie Tombstone with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer last night. Specifically the scene where Curly Bill "accidentally" shoots and kills the town Sheriff Fred White. That's when it hit me. As much as Wyatt Earp knew Curly Bill was guilty and should have let the townspeople hang him, he was willing to die just to afford Curly Bill the courtesy he probably (being a criminal/governing body member) would not have given others.

    Your thoughts?

  • Simon

    You have a responsibility to report such a crime to the police, that is not how justice works - vigilante violence in the street is rarely fair or just.

    Unless you have hard evidence that they personally are directly responsible for someone's harm, then they are not.

    If you believe they are responsible for giving someone else the idea to shun, then surely the person doing the shunning is worthy of far more of a beating? After all, they are the only ones that can hurt someone - you don't care if the GB talk to you or not, because they never have anyway.

    So, are you claiming that people who shun should be beaten? Maybe someone's aging mother? Yeah, slap that bitch up, eh?

    See how STUPID it is to even start making such an idiotic suggestion without thinking it through? People who resort to violence are already in the wrong.

    The inconvenient truth is that the GB are both jailers and victims and that the overwhelming majority of followers are just that - willing followers, who chose to believe a certain set of doctrines.

    Maybe we can just beat it out of them ...

  • Crazyguy2

    Nope!!! How many people have they been guilty of killing or destroying their lives. Eye for an eye!!!

  • Onager

    I think I'd be paralysed into inaction by my conflicting feelings.

    It's an old man getting beaten up, I'd have to help him.

    He's evil though, if it was hitler getting beaten I'd join in.

    Would I though? wouldn't I stop the beating so that they could face justice?

    But they'll never face justice, they're too sneaky and they have highly paid lawyers, this could be the only justice they'll ever get.

    But it's just an old man getting beaten up.

    And round and round I'd go...

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005
    Simon: So, are you claiming that people who shun should be beaten? Maybe someone's aging mother? Yeah, slap that bitch up, eh?

    Hey, Simon, didn't you even read Tenacious' post?

    "Needless to say, they are guilty of all of these things. Yet . . . . viewing them from the humane point of view, I hate to say it, and regardless of what I may have said in my previous postings, I would intervene and help them."

  • OnTheWayOut

    In all honesty, I hope I would help anyone in such a situation. I don't blame people for a different answer though.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yes, I would try and help them myself or, better, call the police.

    I want the GB to be properly punished for what they have done and are doing.

    A street pummeling isn't proper punishment - it's actually a crime.

    I'd much rather the GB members spend the rest of their lives in a jail cell.

  • newsheep

    If I knew for sure it was one of them, I would keep on driving pass them and admonishing those words that Jesus himself said at Matthew 7:22: 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ There is nothing violent about that at all!!!

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Yes! The reason is not only is he a victim of a crime but think of all the good news we would get on news networks, facebook and other internet avenues. We the mentally diseased apostates helping the head of the religion that shuns you. What great publicity that would be. It could be the straw that breaks the camels back and helps bring down the wt. cult. Plus it's the right thing to do. Still Totally ADD

  • sparky1

    If I did not help them...what would that say about ME as a person?

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