When A WT/JW Elder Can't Handle The Truth...Priceless!😂

by JW GoneBad 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BoogerMan

    ...for everything else, there's Mastercard!

    (1 Peter 3:15) ". . .always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper and deep respect."

    JW's paranoia doesn't allow them to defend their beliefs.

  • ThomasMore

    Trying to help JWs see themselves by showing them other cults may be effective, but it is is initially met with anger, irritation and suspicion.

    I began to see what we really were when I compared us (JWs) to Heaven's Gate (Steve Lett playing the role of Marshall Applewhite).

    JW's would never openly advocate mass suicide but they will advocate the refusal to accept a life-saving blood transfusion, avoid formal education beyond high school, and all critical thinking that is not aligned with their narrative.

    As a result, millions - yes millions of persons have failed to reach their potential. Millions who used to be living have not caught the comet as they learned that what they were taught was worse than pure speculation - it was a lie. I wonder if they were ashamed as they took their last breath?

  • Vanderhoven7
    Thought this was interesting.

    Is the ex-JW community a cult by their own definition

    by Charlie Ryde

    Let us use the same BITE model for determining if something is a cult to both being a JW and being ex-JW. Mind you this is a short summary.

    B- Behavioral Control

    JW- complete control of acceptable behaviors punishable by loss of privilege or shunning.

    ex-JW- not a group just a loose collective of traumatized individuals trying to move on and warn others. No rules of membership or punishments.

    I - Intellectual Control

    JW- prohibits or restricts reading materials. Discourages higher education.

    ex-JW- still not an actual group but…Most ex-JWs encourage education and reading banned books.

    T- Thought Control

    JW- have a derogatory name for all nonmembers “worldly people”. Call their own teachings “The Truth”. Require complete adherence to the Truth without question to maintain membership.

    ex-JW- no organized doctrine to control. Just people sad their families are destroyed.

    E- Emotional Control

    JW- require an appearance of joy to outsiders. Mental illness considered a defect due to not exercising accurate understanding of “The Truth”. Love Bombing when all is well, complete disassociation when a violation occurs.

    ex-JW- focus on helping each other heal in any way possible and with understanding.

    For a more detailed explanation of how JWs are a cults see the BITE model link below. .

    The BITE Model and Jehovah's Witnesses
    This blog applies the BITE model to the religious practices and doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses. A former member does a detailed assessment.

    And here is the link for the BITE model proving exJWs are a cult as well:

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    And here is the link for the BITE model proving exJWs are a cult as well:


    'This site can’t be reached'

  • blondie

    Just go to the source Steven Hassan's website. https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model/

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Christine means no ill will or harm...in fact she ends most calls with a 'God Bless You'...however, figuratively speaking this is how most JW elders feel after a 10 to 15 minute phone call (session/bout) with her:😂😂😂

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    That was a good one.

    This ""Christine"' sure does a number on those dudes. She has them running like a dog chasing his tail.🤣

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    You got that right Beth Sarim!

    Sometimes the Pioneer Elderette in the family (the elder's wife) will answer the phone or chime-in with her husband on the same call...the end result is again, figuratively speaking, she feels this way after a bout with the champ... Christine:😂😂😂

  • TonusOH

    Keep in mind that JWs are given very basic and rote preparation for defending their faith. They can anticipate some criticism and have a few Bible verses handy, but they also are taught to get away from anyone trying to 'teach' them or asking them to question their beliefs. And this works, because so many people are equally unprepared to challenge JW beliefs (or defend their own).

    I was never confronted by someone who really challenged what I believed. If I had, I'm sure I would have come out of it a complete mess. Having the very neat and tidy JW belief system picked apart would have probably been traumatic for me. Instead, I had to deal with the occasional person who challenged one or two points and was easily parried. It gave me a false confidence that I had the 'True Truth.' But it wouldn't have held up against a targeted attack, so to speak.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    "And this works, because so many people are equally unprepared to challenge JW beliefs (or defend their own)."

    That's cuz they can't defend their beliefs and when they can't do so they run away.

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