I need a drink...

by Vivamus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    I feel so down. I really do. I am beginning to think I am the kind of person that just walks away from their problems, instead of confronting them. When people hurt me, I will hardly ever show it, voice my feelings or anything. I will just shut down like a clamp, and lick my wounds in private. When I am unhappy with a relationship, I'll end it. God forbit I will actually talk to the person and tell them what hurts me, I will just walk away, and put it behind me. I'll probably end up as an old bitter woman with no family, alone, all alone. Can someone please fix me up with a drink? I need it. - Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • tinkerbell82


    i suck as a bartender. i havent been 21 long enough yet.

    but i give great hugs, honest :) you're such a cool sweet girl and you bring a lot of vivacity to this board, which i appreciate immensely :) (that means i hella luv ya, girl ;) )

  • shamus

    Have one on me, Viamus!

    If we're not married by 45, wanna get hitched? I am a bit uglier than my avatar, but WTF?

    It would be a great wedding!

  • Vivamus

    Shamus, I accept, lol

    ((Tink)) you are such a sweetie.


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • shamus

    I live in a trailer....

    My car blows black smoke...

    I wear dirty shirts with no sleeves...

    I drink constantly....

    It's love, love, love!

    I'M ENGAGED!!!!

  • Vivamus

    Yeah, but Shamus, can I get a chandelier in an otherwise black bathroom? I really want that....


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • shamus

    Are you serious?

    Like an old 70's one?

    In my "study" where I roll and grow marijuana I want different coloured limbs from mannequins hanging from the roof, painted black, and the limbs to be painted flourescent colours, like yellow, blue, pink, and lit up with spotlights.

    I want 6 dogs and 17 cats.

    I want a chicken coop right by the front door.

    I want a pet tarantula.

    What else do you want?

  • Vivamus

    Okay, the Tarantula is a definate NO! I cannot live with spiders in our house!

    I would really like a balcony, and all hemp plants must be placed in pink pots. And the kitchen is something I will never have to step foot into, except for the preparing of drinks containing alcohol...


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • sens

    ((((((((((((( VIV )))))))))))))

  • shera

    Viv,I would love to have you as a freind and I would stay your friend,really I would.I would make you tell me,if I hurt your feelings but unlikely I would anyways.

    Its hard to open up,I used to be like that,now I tell people if something upsets me.Friends are here and I think a lot of people won't let you walk away so easy.We should all move to a nice warm island and call it aposafest(sp lol) island. hostess/Blue Bubble Gum Girl


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