Meetin with Vicki Boer in Toronto Nov 15

by needs_lots 55 Replies latest members meetups

  • Aztec

    Hey Out, that would be great! I'll let Rhonda know ASAP.


  • pettygrudger

    Sounds like the MIchigan delegation shall be making an appearance!

  • pettygrudger

    What are the details - as we will need hotel accommodations.

  • iiz2cool

    Aztec, Pettygrudger, and Michigan crew, email me to let me know what you need, and I'll see what I can do.

    [email protected]


  • Elsewhere

    I've been looking at flights and there appears to be only one flight that leaves Toronto on Sunday... and that leaves at 8:55AM If I go I will only be able to really spend Saturday with everyone.

    The good news is that the round trip flight from DFW is only $335.

  • outnfree


    Had_Enough and I shared a room at a Quality Inn which was inexpensive and decent (that was November 2001! -- gee, has it really been so long?!!!). I'll have to remember where the heck it was .... I'll phone you this weekend, k?



  • needs_lots

    Hey guys,

    Now I really have something to look forward too!!!!!!!!!!

    Badger-how could we possibly have known that the people we trusted with our lives would do this too us? We really thought it was gods organization. But now we are free to think as we want. We know what the real truth is in our hearts, and at least no one can take that away from us. WE ARE FREE!!!!!

    We can meet together without worry, we don't have to buy meal cards and eat pudding and disgusting subs from lunch room assembly lines. We don't have to pretend to go to the washroom 5 times a day, just to avoid listening to boring long speeches about armegedon. We don't have to tell our children that christmas and birthdays are bad, and we don't have to make them feel stupid infront of all of their class. We have released them of that burden. How wonderful is that!

    The more people that can come the better. I will call my brother too and see if there is a place we all can go. Walter if you find a place let me know. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    love to you all!!!!!!!! We unit from all over this country.


  • shamus

    Have a great time, Vicki and all! I shall be there in spirit! One day I am sure that I will meet you all!

  • needs_lots

    Shamus-I think I did meet you once, on sesame street, remember me, elmo, I could use a tickle now!!!!!!!!

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I am going to see if I can get a cheap flight to Hamilton, could go visit family in Niagara Falls, and stop in Toronto, will all depend on work, I am trying for a big promo at my job (reason why I haven't been posting much the last month), it is down to four of us, should know within a couple weeks, if I get it, I will not be able to make it.

    Please post a follow up on how things went !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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