This takes the cake

by Sour Grapes 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazyguy
    Smart phones are from Satan but tablets are from Jehovah.
  • TheMark
    so all the guys in the hall are "You can check porn on phones???" - thanks for the heads up brother. A lot of fapping ensued that afternoon.
  • LevelThePlayingField
    It's funny that elder said that because the MS who reads the WT reads it from his smart phone right up on stage!
  • brandnew
    Ok, all this talk about porn is giving me a chubby ..!!☺
  • Pookigirle
    Pookigirle the congregants are going to go look..............and then there will be an epidemic of masturbation...........which will fill the halls full of homosexuals.............which will all begin to show up in tight pants.............and parents will begin to stroke the genitals of the babies to calm them down..........which will cause certain congregants to get turned on ............. and go home after the meeting to watch porn on thier phone. These guys are just pathetic.

  • jwfacts

    If Satan has developed technology to corrupt humans, why didn't he do it 6000 years ago?

    He at least should have released the iPhone back in Job's day, as if he won the bet and turned everyone away from God back then he could have avoided being thrown out from heaven. He has left his run a bit late.

    Edit to clarify Job, not Steve Jobs

  • WingCommander

    What I find funny, is that Jehovah took the time to destroy the Tower of Babel, because he didn't want man to achieve such high and mighty accomplishments, but somehow in the modern world he's allowing us to build skyscrapers, fly airplanes, the Space Shuttle, the Apollo Moon landings, and satellites to explore our solar system. So, was it Jehovah that didn't allow Babel, or merely an earthquake that sent it tumbling down? The Pyramids of Giza remain, but the Tower of Babel is nowhere to be found? Man landed on the moon in 1969? Baffling inconsistency if you ask me.

    Satan is the creator of the smartphone, but Jehovah approves of the Org's website being viewed on your Samsung Tablet. Duhhhhhhh?

  • punkofnice
    What is this elder like? Is he an old bloke? A bully? A thickie? A reluctant uncle type? A dim bulb? I'd be interested to know the type of person that makes such cultish statements. Do you think this is his own thoughts, or did he get it from the watchtower?

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