This takes the cake

by Sour Grapes 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    That speaker hasn't been keeping up with WT nulite. Current troof is that Jehovah is behind the new modern phones, computers, and Internet so that people can access the WT website and watch videos of the chubby, balding GB members beg for money.
  • Scully

    And yet, those same devices are encouraged to be used at the Meetings™ to follow along on

  • Viviane
    Good point Viv but I was thinking in terms of the camera not being in use until the 1700's but I suppose naughty drawings could have been printed before that

    A printing press isn't a camera or a camera obscura (two different things).

  • Dunedain

    Just another example of the "signs" of the "unravelling" of the org. To me, the main "vibe" of a, so called, Christian org, should be love, and living in harmony with who, and whats around us. Instead, we see the increasing "vibe" of the org. is hate, fear, attacking, paranoia, and a continued demand for unquestioning "loyalty", even if it goes against your instincts as a human being.

    For this man to specifically say something like a modern, computerized cell-phone, was CREATED by Satan, just reeks of paranoia, and a "back woods", out of touch with reality, mind-set. How DOES he KNOW, that Satan created this specific type of cellular phone? Does he have an "inside track" to Satans doings? Does this crusty, old, out of touch, idiot, speak to Satan often?

    Yes, brothers, I spoke to Satan lastnight, and he has indeed confirmed that he made the latest cellphone version, and specifically wanted it to have an extra clear picture, for "money shots", and anal. PSYCHO!!!

  • TD

    Good point Viv but I was thinking in terms of the camera not being in use until the 1700's but I suppose naughty drawings could have been printed before that.

    Actually, the word, "pornography" was coined to describe a sexually explicit story.

    πορνή (Prostitute) + γραφος (writing) --Literally, "Writings of prostitutes"

    For some strange reason, that genre of entertainment is considered less crass today even though it's pornography in the purest sense of the word.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Oh Pete.

    The camera had been around for a loooong time before the 1700s. The earliest recorded account of a camera obscura dates back to c.400 BC. The camera itself was used long before the knowledge to develop and fix a photographic print came about in 1830s.

    Photographic prints were not in existence in the 1700s.

    Ok...scratch everything I said before about camera's, printing presses and pornography, It was a bad illustration. More importantly scratch the feeble point I thought I was trying to covey which was, Satan was not behind the design of smart phones for the purpose of pornography any more than he was behind the invention of the printing press (or camera) for that purpose as well. For all I know, the Brother giving the talk was correct, Satan did see to it that these things were invented for the purpose of purveying porn. LOL !

    ( note to self....make sure to google every topic and minute detail before making an offhand comment even though those minute details make no difference to the point you're trying to make)

  • xjwsrock
    Lol.. Pete
  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    Speaker was telling on himself.

  • Lieu
    So he can't stop watching porn on his phone, eh? Projection is a sign of weak character.
  • stuckinarut2
    What an idiot!

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